Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2019

40 posts

My husband is on SOR. I am disabled. I want to travel abroad to see my daughter and grandson. I need help to travel. Can my husband travel with me to help me. When we get to my daughters country can he and I stay in a hotel and can I visit my daughters alone. Does my daughter need to know about his offence if he is not meeting her or my grandchild. He is not the father of my daughter so he is not a relative to them at all.

Posted Thu October 14, 2021 12:33pmReport post


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

The SOR requires notification when going abroad and the police I believe have to sign it off. The country itself might have restrictions and may require disclosure. Places like the US and Australia are pretty much impossible to go to when on SOR and with a conviction.

Does your partner have a SHPO or any other restrictions on contact with children? If so he will need to follow these in regard to your grandchildren.

It may be possible for your partner to join you but definitely check with the police liason. Also is he on probation, community service? These might place limits on travel too

Posted Thu October 14, 2021 12:54pmReport post


Member since
November 2019

40 posts

Thanks for replying

He has some restrictions, he is not allowed to go to children's places like Butlins. He is on probation and has to visit the probation officer once a month.

My daughter lives in an EU country, I have dual nationality. He will not be meeting her or my grandson, only help me to get on the plane and trains. We would stay in a hotel. We always did in the past because my daughters flat is not very big.

He has friends he would visit and go to museums with. They don't have children.

Posted Thu October 14, 2021 1:09pmReport post


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

Hi lis

if he is still under the Management of the probation service then while he's under their management foreign travel is not permitted. Once he is off probation management then he can go abroad.

If you plan to go over to a European country before the introduction of the ETAIS then there is no requirement to disclose as there is still freedom of movement.

ETAIS is due to come in at some point in 2022/2023 it keeps being delayed, but once in place it will be a requirement to disclose convictions within the last 10yrs

While on the SOR he will have to notify the police of going abroad up to 7days before leaving the country and he will have to supply the following information

the date of departure from the United Kingdom

• the destination country

• the point of arrival in that country

• the points of arrival in any other countries being visited

• dates of intended stay in any country being visited

• the identify of carrier(s) he intends to use to leave and return to the United

Kingdom, or to travel to any other point(s) of arrival outside the United Kingdom

• details of his accommodation arrangements in any country being visited

• date of return to the United Kingdom

• point of arrival on return to the United Kingdom.

He does not need to give them any other information as to what his plans are or what and who he will be meeting in the country he is going to there is no Legal requirement as part of the conditions of the sex offenders register

As we are now out of the EU the police do not have access to the Schengen information system so can no longer automatically upload the suppled information. There only way now of telling an EU country about a persons back ground is via an Interpol green notice, for this to be used there has to be a clear identified risk as to why the police need to issue this notice and any decission to issues this notice has to be backed up with an up to date risk assessment as to why it has been done

hope this is of help

Posted Thu October 14, 2021 2:24pmReport post


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

I don't think there is a blanket prohibition on travel abroad if being managed by probation. My husband is serving a community order (he was convicted for images only) and probation guidance seems to suggest (in our area at least) that "permission" is not required. His SHPO does not prohibit foreign travel and the SOR only requires him to notify the police.

The travel should not interfere with probation management, but in his case, probation does not want to see him for another month, so he has arranged a short trip to an EU country to see family, He's notified the police - just took along copies of the flight and hotel booking, and his passport.

It might different if probation is part of a suspended prison sentence, or post release. His travel certainly will be restricted by entry requirements of other countries - he also has family in the USA and won't be able to visit them.

Will update if he runs into problems with the trip.


Posted Sun October 17, 2021 10:43amReport post


Member since
October 2021

27 posts


did the police say anything about a green notice?

Posted Sun October 17, 2021 7:40pmReport post


Member since
August 2021

15 posts

Hi - sorry for the delay in replying, the police did not say anything about a green notice.

He got to the EU on an EU passport, which he declared to the police under the terms of the SOR (which states to declare any passports in the plural, so he gave them details of his UK and EU one). But he used the electronic gates no problem.


Posted Sat October 30, 2021 12:06pmReport post

Quick exit