Family and Friends Forum

Confused and sad

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Member since
October 2021

13 posts

Posted Mon October 18, 2021 6:00pmReport post

Hi everyone, I've only just started reading through these forums and have found them a lot of help so far, it's only been just over a week since I had the knock, and I'm still going through every type of emotional humanly possible.

I don't know the extent of my fiancé's crime yet, he's said that he was in chat rooms and he got more of a buzz giving these images to people on there than using them for his own gratification. It's still very hard to believe any of what he says, and he has moved out to his parents house. We were due to get married next year and I still love him dearly and am in the mind set of trying to help him through this cause we've always been stronger together. I've got an 18 year old daughter and at the moment she's struggling to understand why I'm choosing him over her. And I hate being in this predicament. The understanding is not there from any family or friends, which I completely understand, but I don't know how to go about pleasing everyone. I know I've got to do what's right for me and my happiness, but I also don't want to lose my daughter.

Please help!


Member since
October 2021

14 posts

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 11:11pmReport post

I'm going through the same although with one pre schooler and one in school. Help


Member since
October 2021

13 posts

Posted Sun October 31, 2021 6:21pmReport post

I really have been up and down with what is right and what is wrong. I told my partner I didn't want to continue the relationship, and that was more to please family and friends. I miss him so much and am still very much in love with him. We were due to get married next year. My biggest decision is wether to put my own happiness first, get all the comments and judgement thrown my way, lose friends, lose the ability to share our relationship with family, or do I end it fully and try and move on but never knowing if I'll find that happiness again. He was the one person In my life I felt utter contentment, my soul mate. I just am so torn as to what to do! X


Member since
January 2021

66 posts

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 6:30pmReport post

Sharing images is actually more of a severe crime than just possession so this could make it more difficult in court, it sounds like you know what you want but it may be best to wait until the court case then you know what you are dealing with in terms of sentencing.

Whilst you are waiting for this it's important to keep in touch with your daughter and show her how important she is to you, it's not about choosing one over the other.


Member since
December 2021

695 posts

Posted Mon December 6, 2021 6:26pmReport post

Dino how is sharing more severe than possession? Just wondering if that is a fact?

confused, I feel the same as you. Maybe just take one day at a time, put yourself and kids first and don't make any final hasty decisions until after court and see how you feel then. This is an awful situation and I can't believe it's happening to me either. Hugs