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Room to rent for husband

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October 2021

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We want to rent my husband a room as he is not allowed to stay at home. Hostel for backpackers is very similar in price, but no privacy, sharing the room with few other people, no place to do the laundry etc.

I have found few rooms via website where people looking for roommates. Pricing is acceptable up to 450 inc bills, some less than that. We will somehow surrvive on that. But we will have privacy to talk, him to do his courses and module and therapy when he'll manage to get one.

Will anyone ask him about arrest? He is on bail, arrested last week, so still some time before any charges.

We have no one that he could stay with, as no family around.

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 6:43pmReport post


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May 2021

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Hi little bird lee is correct renting a room comes under the rehabilitation of offenders act. An arrest is not a conviction, and as i said it comes under the ROA which means a land Lord can only ask about unspent convictions, if they or the rental agency did a basic dbs nothing about the investigation would be disclosed so do not say a thing

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 7:29pmReport post


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October 2021

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Ok, thank you so much. That gives me piece of mind.

We messaged one guy with cheapest room, waiting for his reply. When husband finishes work today he will call me, I will show him rest of the rooms I found, we will pick best of them and will contact this people.

Luckily they are reasonable prices

Also, do we have to tell Police his new address straight away when he moves in there or do we wait until his next visit at Police station. They want to see him mid November.

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 7:44pm
Edited Tue October 19, 2021 7:52pmReport post


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June 2021

473 posts

Hi ,

Can u not try ur local council, we managed to get my hubby a council flat that was before convictions it will be harder after conviction if there was one x

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 7:51pmReport post


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October 2021

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I can try, but I don't think they have any. I read people waiting ages.

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 7:53pmReport post


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May 2021

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Lee makes a good point at the end there one thing to remember if renting (pre conviction) and you are going to apply for housing benefit if a person is under 35 then under current housing benefit rules they are only entitled to housing benefit for a single room in shared accommodation like a house/flat share. If over 35 then they can get full housing benefit for a one bed room flat and benefits will pay the rent up to the total allowed under the local housing allowance for the area you move to, if rent is more than LHA you pay the difference

if and once convicted and a person is still under 35 then as they are under the management of mappa they are exempt from the rules around shared housing and can get rent towards a one bedroom flat and live on there own

hope that makes sense

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 8:50pmReport post


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October 2021

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Husband is under 35, he will be 33 in December.

All the benefis we are talking about here are for him, right? We are on mortgage, I still live here on our flat.

Most of the rooms we found are double rooms, so he won't get any help there as it has to be single one, right?

There is one, that is available, we asked for bigger one, but we can message that we would like smaller one instead - they haven't reply yet anyway.

Not sure what cab is, that Lee mentioned i should contact.

Thank you, I will try to read little bit more about this benefits.

Posted Tue October 19, 2021 10:45pmReport post


Member since
June 2021

473 posts

Hi Littlebird,

CAB is citizens advice bureau, I think that's wat Lee was saying not sure though

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 12:20amReport post


Member since
October 2021

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I was thinking about contacting them, yes.

Yes, husband working full time for now, I, until now was working 18h/week. For now made arrangements for 7h just to cover nursery hours. Don't know how long they will let me stay like this. If I will have to quite and find 1 day a week job. Cleaning or something.

We have some savings, but they will all quickly dissapear as every help costs.

Do we have to tell CAB exact reasons or general that he was arrested and had to leave?

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 6:09am
Edited Wed October 20, 2021 6:11amReport post


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May 2021

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Hi little bird a website you might find of help is turn 2 us it has a benefits calculator you put all the information in and tells you what you husband can claim it might be worth taking a look

in terms of the double room my understanding is that's not an issue as he is under 35 he would only get the shared acomadation amount of housing benefit, so if this did not cover the whole rent he would have to make up the difference

if he is working then sallery is taken into account (not sure on amount) and savings as well which I think is £16,000 but if you use the calculator on the turn 2 us website it will tell you everything

hope it helps

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 7:14amReport post


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October 2021

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He is not on salary, but earns I think little bit more than 26000/year. We were never entitled to any benefits.

We will contact CAB just in case, also turn 2 us.

Bail says he is not allowed anywhere near our address. Still waiting on SS to call me. It's a week now, no one gave me a call. How long does it take? Should I contact Police officer that is leading our case? Have his email.

I think SS will not let him stay at home. Sure of that. What about garage? We have garage under the flat, he could sleep there? Anyone heard about SS agreeing to that? I don't think they would.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 7:22amReport post


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October 2021

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He is not sure, he says he think he is not allowed near, but he will check for me later. He never showed me this paper.

I only know that he can't see our baby at all or any other children.

Thank you!

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 8:44amReport post


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October 2021

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Police officer that arrested him told me not to talk about case over phone as they can ask for our conversation from mobile provider. He said husband can't see our baby at all until ss comes in. He can see her over whatsup or phone on general only. We talk on whatsup a lot, including the case.

My husband was never good in repeating important things, I have to see them with my own eyes as he never really focuses on what he does. I will ask him to sens me a picture of that bail and conditions as it is so confusing now.

We are both at work now, so I will have it probably late at night today, when he finishes.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 9:23am
Edited Wed October 20, 2021 9:25amReport post


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October 2021

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I am pretty sure husband said it says he can't see our baby. He will send me a picture later, so I will post it here, when I know.

For now we just waiting for any replies regarding rooms rent. Silence so far. That is most stressfull.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 10:21am
Edited Wed October 20, 2021 10:23amReport post


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May 2021

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Hi Little bird i 100% agree with lees last comment above, that is the biggest pile of c**p i have ever herd and they are trying to put the scare tactics on you.

Understand that mobile phone companies do not record phone conversations between people, the only record that i kept is the number you call and receive thats it. The only way the police can intercept a conversation is to ask the court for an order to "tap" the phones and record the conversations and i have never herd in cases like this the courts given that type of order.

You are within your right to talk to your husband about this issue.

Shame on the police officer that spoke to you.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 10:27amReport post


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October 2021

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That is horroble what you say. That is so shameful of that guy. I was cooperative from second I walked into our house. I am furious. I will read about our rights, will discuss that with husband and solicitor.

Just can't believe that. Like I need that on top of everything what happend.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 10:31amReport post


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October 2021

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That was guy who called me that they are in the house and I have to come back asap. One who interviewed me, brought my husband to collect belongings. I have his email.

Thanks to you I know I shouldn't be scared as I do have rights. And he can't try to scare me that I can't talk to husband about that.

I will have his bail conditions late today or tomorrow morning.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 7:10pmReport post


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October 2021

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He was wearing smart clothes, but it wasn't Police uniform.

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 8:24pmReport post


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October 2021

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Hi bail conditions are:

Not to attend or reside at (our address) other than on presence od Police officer in order to collect his belongings.

Not have any contact with any child (under 18) unless unaboidable, face to face contact with XY (our child) only allowed with express premission od childrens services and strictly only under conditions approved by.

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 6:24amReport post

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