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How do I feel about myself? Life changing decision

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Member since
October 2021

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Posted Tue October 19, 2021 7:48pmReport post

Hi everyone x

Firstly I would like to express, from reading through these threads, how amazing and supportive everyone is. Despite severity, we're all going through something nobody should ever have to, and you all deserve happiness which I truly hope you find.

I would like to give some information on my current situation. Similar to all of you, I was in complete shock when the knock came only last week. I and my partner have been together for 8 years, have lived together for a significant period of time, have pets, and I can honestly say are/were so happy and content together. We are relatively young and don't have kids but would want to someday.

The police came and it all came crashing down - my partner admitted to talking sexually online to many people, and the police were taking them for (voluntary) interview regarding sexual communication with 2 minors. It turns out that these 2 profiles are police decoys, however my partner truly cannot remember if there were any more minors interacted with (they were messaging out to lots of people in a non-selective way) and so we kind of have to assume there would likely be real minors at the end of some of those profiles and the police will probably find out. My partner was talking sexually to these minors and sent sexual pictures. The ages were stated, at least with the police decoys, so that's no basis. My partner says there were no images received/stored/shared, they just sent images out.

My case may be slightly different to some others I have seen on here as I strongly believe, having had a lot of vulnerable conversations with my partner, that they are not sexually attracted to children. I understand that this DOES NOT remove the severity of what has happened and I am struggling with this every day. Either way, they sent these pictures and whatever issues my partner has with themself, they did not stop and think about this and that is dangerous in itself.

My partner did not even contemplate consequences and is now incredibly remorseful, trying to understand what led them to this, and is doing everything possible to be a better person - every helpline, course, program they can get hands on. It seems to be a deep issue of low self-esteem, need for gratification, addictive personality and impulsivity/disassociation which is still a lot to work on, however I'm no expert.

I'm really struggling with the whole thing and of course have a lot of issues to work through myself. I can't tell the majority of people in my life as I know what the reaction would be, thankfully my partner's family are supportive but I know others would not understand (which I cannot blame anyone for).

From all the research I can possibly do, I think and hope the conviction would not be more than a suspended sentence and SOR for up to 10 years (although I know I would need to prepare for worse). No prev convictions, no suggestion to meet, first time they have done anything like this, good character and held down employment, has admitted straight away. From what I can tell it would be Sexual communication with a child, Category 1 Culpability B. However, they are mature enough to know better and there may be a real person on the end of some of the conversations with real harm done.

I'm at a point of making the terrible decision of if I should stay with them or leave. I’m feeling in myself that considering forgiving someone for doing something so horrible and still loving them so much makes me weak, naive, and all the rest. I'm really struggling with that and how people would perceive me if they ever found out. There are also a lot of practical considerations I need to consider (future family - financial security - media coverage) when making this decision which could potentially be quite damning - I absolutely hate the waiting and not knowing. I am, however, a very empathetic person and because I can see how much my partner wants to get better and I'm so pulled by that and how much love we have. I know nothing would be easy, and I'm also aware of what any person outside of the situation would say to me - you're young with your whole life ahead of you, you’ll find someone else and have none of this hassle, you’re better than this, and that logically makes sense. The consequences on my whole life could be awful, and in a situation where I have chosen this for myself - It really is a head vs heart feeling which I know others on here have said.

I know the above is rambling and blocks of text (sorry!) but I would just so appreciate any words from people in a similar situation in any regard or from anyone who has any general advice. Could you live together and have kids? Did your partner keep their job if it was child-safe to do so? Even if you do not have these experiences, it has felt good to get this written out.

If anyone also wouldn’t mind sharing similar situation sentencing of your loved ones, it would be appreciated. I know there really is no guessing what will happen but it’s knowledge which is something. I’ve got to decide how I feel sooner rather than later (which I know nobody can decide for me) as we have a house nearly bought and that’s unfortunately a big factor.

Thank you for reading this, sending huge hugs to you all and my heart is warmed by all the love. xxx


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Wed October 20, 2021 10:19amReport post

Hi Hope,

I'm so sorry you find yourself in this position. It sounds like your partner has made a very silly mistake. Has your partner admitted everything to the Police? I'm assuming from what you've said the police won't find any indecent images of children or anything similar on his phone which will definitely help towards not getting more charges. My advice to you would be to definitely focus on yourself and let time decide what you want to do about the situation. Make sure your partner doesn't speak to the police without a solicitor. My partner is yet to have charges brought against him. The police will be waiting for forensics of the phone to be done I would imagine before they take your case to the CPS which takes anywhere from a few months to two years. Sending lots of love x


Member since
October 2021

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Posted Wed October 20, 2021 10:31amReport post

Hi hope

you might have seen from my recent post that I'm still in the early stages but everything you've said seems very like my situation. And I truly could understand everything you wrote and everything you are feeling - as right now, that's how I feel.

I'm sorry I don't have anything practical to offer as I'm, like you, reading up on what I can expect, understanding the reactions from others and trying to deal with my own feelings towards this and towards him.

I guess I just wanted to let you know that as horrible as it is, I'm in the same place and I wanted to send you love and support.

Bee x


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March 2021

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Posted Wed October 20, 2021 11:24amReport post

Hope394 - first of all well done for reaching out, I know how hard it can be but you will find this forum is full of supportive partners feeling exactly the same as you.

Our stories are the same, my husband of 28 years was arrested in March for sexual communication with 2 minors (both police decoys). My emotions have been so up and down, 1 minute I want to leave him, the next I want to help him. I'm now 7 months in and have decided to stay with him. He is so remorseful and has completed Stop So and Lucy Faithful course, as well as attending many counselling sessions. He has acknowledged that he, at the time, gave no regard to who he was talking to, as long as he was getting attention it was good for him. I have also research sex addiction and this has made me realise it was never my fault.

He received 3 charges - one of communication with minors, and 2 charges stating the girls ages and it was intent to encite sexual behaviour. We have Crown Court on Friday. We are hoping for suspended sentence, but it can carry a 2 year prison sentence!

I will keep you posted on what he gets, although it's not guaranteed your partner will get the same, it will give you an indication.

The one piece of advice I would give you, and I'm sure many others will say the same, is don't make any life changing decisions just yet. A book I have recently read says that after such a trauma you should wait at least 6 months before deciding your future. Take time for yourself, I know this sounds daft but you may find yourself almost trying to protect your partner (I know I did), I made sure everyone ekse was OK and didn't really look after myself.

Always here if you need a chat xxxx


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Wed October 20, 2021 11:57amReport post

Hi hope 394,

your case sounds like our case, we have 3 young children as well so SS are involved but have told us not to worry as they are happy with things at the moment, unless they find anything else,

we are hoping that he will be allowed to stop at home again soon as he is sleeping in the car, (trying to get a caravan for him to sleep in ) but I think I know deep down he will not be allowed back until our daughter is a lot older as she is only 10 but we just keep on hoping and thinking positive.

Keep been strong and talking to each other my Husband is the kind of person who try’s to work things out himself and is a closed person, but this has made us stronger as we talk a lot more and share things and feelings, we have even told our children together about what is happening and prepared them for the worst if it happens. Some days I do feel mad/ angry with him about what he is putting us all through I feel it’s harder seeing the kids so upset and worried as it’s a very long process and then watching my husband crumble in front of them. We are still at the early stages of the investigation but will keep you updated as to what happens


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Wed October 20, 2021 12:16pmReport post

I second that Bob, as a couple we have never been as open with each other if something is on our minds..... It really does help to talk.


Member since
October 2021

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Posted Wed October 20, 2021 3:07pmReport post

BaffledB, Bee, MW, Bob, thank you to you all for taking the time to reach out and I'm so sorry to hear about your similar and difficult situations. It is however comforting to know that I am not alone and I've never been in a difficult situation before really knowing that there are others feeling the exact same way.

My partner has admitted everything to the police (or at least what they were specifically asked about they answered honestly - I think the interview was a shock and sounds like they came off a bit cold). My partner is fully cooperating, although they say they don’t remember all the specific photos and messages they sent (it was so many people my partner was pinging messages to) and so can only recall some of the evidence they present and say "I can't remember" otherwise. I'm really hoping nothing worse comes back which was not remembered.

BaffledB, I am trying to focus on what I want and can handle, I hope you will continue to do the same. Processing and also trying to deal with friends and family just wanting to know you’re ok (without being able to tell them) is hard. I feel I have been distancing from everyone who doesn’t know as it’s a huge part of my life that I have to skate around anything to do with my partner. I know I need to learn to reintegrate in a way that is slightly more guarded but allow myself to be close with them. All the while, actual day to day life feels like a version of “normal” now. It is a strange time and it feels unfair to be unknowing of the outcome and in limbo for so long.

MW, you have been so strong for 7 months. It sounds like very similar issues your husband has been dealing with to my partner. I am relieved for you at least that it seems your case was police decoy and no real children. I am praying for you on Friday, do drop a reply on here if you feel up to it and would like to talk about it. I appreciate your openness so much and thank you for the such valuable advice - I really see myself in your words. Can I ask, did your husband have a job and if so what was the reaction and did he get to keep it?

Bob, I’m sorry to hear your children are affected by this, though it is nice to hear that you have been able to support them together. It can feel very lonely and even your kids or your pets, who do not fully or at all get it, can make the biggest difference and keep you going. I know I am privileged position in that I don’t have children at this time to consider. though I know SS wouldn’t be able to stop us having children in the future (which I would aim to be after SOR) I do still worry (because in my head I have to consider worst case) that my partner wouldn’t be able to live with us which is a big anxiety for me. It can feel like this one mistake ruins your whole life, it’s just the not knowing and trying to think about and plan my whole life ahead which I know I can’t possibly do.

Please all feel free to reach out at any point, it’s nice to discuss with others feeling the same.

Lots of love your way xx


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 11:15pmReport post

Hi hope,

Your situation sounds similar to mine. Been with my husband 8 years when we got the knock, no kids but want them in our future etc.

Our case lasted just under 2 years from knock to crown court, we'd been told 3-6 months initially, but the Pandemic probably didn't help. His charges are from 2 police decoy conversations, but weirdly there are essentially 3 charges which are worded identically but as they were in 2 different conversations he got 6 charges (if that makes sense?) There will be images as an extra charge per category if your partner sent or received any.

We were told all along it was likely he'd get 2 years suspended sentence. Then when cps finally released the evidence, the ages mentioned in the conversation increased the severity level, and if your partner can't remember what he said in the conversations, there are certain things which can be more serious and lead to a longer sentence. My OH ended up with 3 years (so 18 months inside). A Shpo on devices and indefinite register notification. We've been told that this was quite harsh but I think it is genuinely partly down to which judge you get on the day.

I had all the same thoughts about my/our future as you are having. I decided to stick by him, but since he's been in prison and the media hit, it has been a lot harder and loads of my friends found out from the media which was really unhelpful. Most have been very supportive of me, but a lot are unsure how to feel about him.

Family life from what I've heard is again dependant on who your social worker is and also what risk level they perceive your partner to be. I've been told it is likely ambitious to think that he will be able to live in the family home should we have children, no idea for how long that would be the case.

Throughout the whole process I've done what felt right for me at the time, at the end of the day it is your life and your choice to make. My husband showed remorse and was totally honest with me too, which helped me to realise I wanted to stay with him. I wasn't able to just turn off my love for him and walk away.

But I must admit that especially now he's in prison and I have to adapt and wait for him etc, I genuinely don't know what the future holds for me and for us, I'm hoping time and 'living' this new world will help me to decide.

Not sure if that is helpful in any way, but reading your story, it resonated with me as it sounds so similar. Your partner's outcome may be less severe, it really does depend on the content of the chat logs too.


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June 2020

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Posted Thu October 21, 2021 3:46amReport post

Hi Hope,

I'm so sorry to hear you're going through this. Your story is sadly almost identical to mine, but I'm at the 'end point' as it were.

We'd been married 15yrs, own home, pets and a toddler when we got 'the knock.' It was a police decoy, pretending to be 12yrs old and only 6 msgs shared. Unfortunately, in those 6msgs, my husband had sent sexually explicit pics/video, encouraged pictures back (obviously not sent to him) and suggested a meet up which he didn't pursue.

Case took a year almost to the day, no other inappropriate communications with minors were found on devices seized. Other communications were on there, but with adult women.

Our solicitor led us to believe with his clean record, no priors, courses completed on bail, counselling and medication for depression sought, husband would be looking at a suspended sentence. We couldn't have been more wrong. Sentencing guidelines were altered while he was on bail and charges at Crown Court from May 2021 are now more harsh when in relation to decoys. They are now treated with the same gravity as if they were genuine victims. He had 3 charges - 2 relating to causing/inciting a child to engage in sexual activity and 1 to cause a child to look at sexual imagery.

The judge took the dimmest view possible and decided on an immediate custodial sentence of 15mths, so he's serving 7.5mths (we're 4 mths in). He has an SHPO for 5yrs (restricted online access and supervised access to children) and is on the sex offender registry for 10yrs. The real icing on the cake was the courts/police (unsure which) released the info two weeks later to the local press to publish. He lost his job and many friends and family found out. I'd say for me, the custodial sentence and exposure was the nail in the coffin for our relationship. I fell down the darkest hole of humiliation, devastation, pain and hurt and I'm only just, with the help of a counsellor, climbing out of it.

While he was on bail and we limped along trying to keep things as normal as possible, I genuinely did wonder if we'd be able to rescue our marriage. I still loved him, I tried to minimise the crime in my head (only a decoy, no real victim, only 1 conversation etc.) I knew he had low self esteem and depression, but once he went to prison and I heard the full story in court (and read the transcripts) how he'd been advised by the decoy they were 12, yet he went on to pretend to be 16 and tried to communicate with her sexually, I'm not sure that's something I'll ever come to terms with. Hes very, very sorry, he's horrified at what he's done. But for me, he's a parent, he has a little boy. When you became a parent there's a certain 'stewardship' you feel towards all children in general. You understand exactly how upset and horrified you'd be if someone tried to hurt your child and that's what this decoy said she was - a child of 12 and he carried on sexually abusing her regardless. My niece is 12. I simply cannot look at him in the same way. I would have staked my life that he was the least likely candidate to ever do something like this, knowing what I do now, I don't know if I'll ever trust him again.

If I'm completely honest - I'm still reeling that this is my actual life. That other people also know what he did. That social services are picking up with me in the New Year to discuss safeguarding my son from his own father and having to disclose all of this to his school. I burn with humiliation and hurt every time I think about it. It was only when he went to prison, was no longer in my daily life making everything seem 'normal,' that finally the gravity of the crime hit me. But this is just my scenario. I know many members have stayed with their partners. I have no idea how they've found the strength or love to push on, I'm in awe of that and wish them lots of luck.

There's only you can decide if you can salvage your relationship, but don't do what we did and expect a light sentence. Tie up any financial messiness if you can, make sure you have access to all bank accounts etc. just in case, so you're better prepared. Put utilities, Sky/Virgin etc in your name etc. so you can communicate with them all. It smoothes the ride a bit practically.

Lastly, take it day by day. You don't have to make hard and fast choices immediately, but I do recommend counselling. I've flitted between love and hate and all the shades inbetween. It takes time to find your feet and a real sense of yourself again. Wishing you all the best.

Edited Thu October 21, 2021 3:51am


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Thu October 21, 2021 6:46amReport post

I would agree with everyone saying not making big decisions while in a state of heightened emotions.

Bob you wrote how strong and loving it is to stay with the person. It can be. But it can also be strong and loving to leave them too.

Within a few days of the knock I clearly recognised how I would make his life a misery if I tried to make it work. He would never be able to be good enough to make up for this. I gave him everything and he kept this huge secret addiction for a lot of our 10 yr relationship. He shattered my trust. And he should have sorted his sh*t out the moment he knew he was going to be a father. Or at least the moment he held her. My kids are worth more than that and so am I. I don't want to be an angry resentful person so I don't want to be in that relationship.

I hope one day we can be friends, though there is a lot to work through. I want to do what is best for the children and it is so hard having to arrange contact and invite him into my home via video call when the children want to speak.

It has been a traumatic and devestating year. Leaving is in no way the easy option. Emotionally, practically, financially. But whatever feels right for the situation, that's the thing to try. And what is right can change and evolve.

Everyone's story on here is unique and the decisions made reflect that.

Guidance on here on this forum is really valuable, having so many people in similar situations. However, I've found for me at times it can start normalising this sort of crime a bit when you read so many stories. It's important to have time away from it too. Talking to a counselor or trusted friends and family is really important too


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sat October 23, 2021 3:33pmReport post

Dear Hope_349,

When I read your post it resonated with me as I too was in a similar situation; together for 8 years, engaged and with a wedding impending in the 3 months before the knock. I am a teacher and am currently writing a book inspired by my terrible experiences and those of women like us. (My earlier post is a few pages back called 'Open Letter 2 years on') I am 2 years on the journey now, justice was served in the end he pleaded guilty at crown court and got the consequences he deserved.

Lost post ahead! Sorry! :)

Like you, I am quite young and it adds another ‘layer’ of damage to what is already an awful situation which is so isolating in itself, let alone the lack of information of how to support young women/life direction after this impact!! It feels so unfair. I really struggled with the same life decisions you describe, telling family/friends and cancelling a wedding was humiliating of course and spent a long time in therapy to come to terms with it all and where it left me – starting from scratch early 30s and traumatised just felt like a massive gut punch having my life ripped from under me.

You mention your partner's family are supportive but ultimately, their loyalties lie with him as their son and his best interests will always come first - your best interests will sadly come second in comparison if that makes sense. My doctor advised me that I must have a support network of my own (I was so scared to tell people at first) - he said 'your mental health will pay a heavy price' by keeping this secret and not allowing my family in on what was happening - You must allow yourself a supportive network around you, Sadly this is the way it is, you need someone on your side too that can have your interests at heart too.

My gut instinct in my situation however, was to leave – our stories differ perhaps because my ex was in constant denial/toxic shame about his crimes and gaslighted and emotionally blackmailed me to stay silent about what he did. He never took responsibility and I was never given a genuine apology for what he did to me in the process; He even went to the extent of telling me I had imagined the entire ordeal… With that in mind, the anger, injustice and the audacity alone made walking away my only option. I felt it was not a foundation in which to salvage a relationship nor was it possible to build a happy future into marriage/family life without ramifications later on. I am also a teacher, so all of this did not sit well with me professionally either.

Hope_349, I completely understand everyone is different, and some women do choose to work through things and forgive for various reasons that is their choice to make which we must respect as we never know the right thing to do; you just do what feels right for YOUR situation. There will be endless streams of advice coming your way I am sure from well meaning friends etc and even on this very forum and in reading this post! Lol but ultimately you have the power to choose YOUR life.

Irrespective of your partner’s requests/pleas and no matter how many vulnerable conversations he has with you – the cards are ultimately in your hands, not his. I apologise if this sounds a little direct. From your post it sounds like the burden of responsibility for choosing a life path is understandably plaguing your headspace the way it did mine.

I just want to illustrate the positive silver lining that you have control here even though it feels like your world has exploded, working on my self esteem through therapy was a comfort to me and helped me flip my thinking to feel more empowered and able to cope better.

In therapy I learnt that we can never be responsible for someone else’s behaviour, my ex threatened suicide at one point too. By extension and association we as women feel the need to fix things, to nurture, not to desert the ones we love etc and I certainly drained myself trying to damage control for the mistakes HE made. It was really shocking and sobering to hear my therapist say ‘you are not responsible if he lives or dies, he is responsible for his own behaviour and actions. Nothing you do will ever control that’. That was a huge wakeup call and took me a long time to understand and no matter what I did would never change the FACTS that this DID happen and IS happening and I cannot control his actions.

If that were true none of this would have happened in the first place! Could never save him from himself – That first click/download spiral which began the chain of events long before I ever knew about it clearly highlights there was never anything I could have done to change the course of events. Just like many of us torture ourselves with the ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’ of something more we could have done to prevent this.

There is a lot of reference to viewing child pornography as a ‘mistake’ on this forum –
Perhaps it makes people feel better calling it a ‘mistake’… I wonder if the parents of the child victims would share the same view…? The actual abused child themselves, do they see this as a ‘mistake?’
We must not diminish this crime to a ‘mistake’ which implies a flippant error made one time.

Sadly this is not the case in this level of serious crime and is an ongoing habit across considerable time. Time long enough in fact to get caught. Part of my healing process was to not make excuses for this man who I believed I could trust. We all think ‘I’d never have thought him capable of this’ don’t we?

Again, this might be direct and is my view only, but like I say, therapy helped to disentangle my anguish of feeling lost and helpless by flipping the thinking to be more reliant on fact – it puts you in a position of power and logic and clearer thinking on what you choose to do next, whatever that may be.

My conclusion in my story was that my ex was maker of his OWN undoing and facts are facts. I was due to marry this man in a few months before the knock – I just felt heartbroken that THIS was my future husband I was supposed to feel proud of? To be the father of my children one day? That was a step too far for me. So I made my choice and that may differ from other women, and that’s fine.

The point is, Hope_349 – You can only do what feels right for you, the number 1 advice I can give you is to maintain your self esteem and worth because without it your sense of self will be consumed by the enormity of what YOU want and becomes all about what makes HIS life easier. You have earned the right to take your time and you do not have to answer to anyone, even him, on what your decisions are until you’re ready. In the meantime I strongly recommend therapy or counselling – it saved my life.

Again, this is direct but said with love :) ….. he created this mess, so he must wait until you are ready to respond in whichever way you choose. Don’t rush and take your time.

Useful videos I watched may help a lighthearted watch to help with self esteem :) xx
Videos by Iyalna Vanzant on self esteem and another one of hers about pain - clips on youtube from the Oprah show :)

Sending lots of hugs and love for you all

Best wishes and good luck xxx

Bird 19. xx

Edited Sat October 23, 2021 5:18pm


Member since
March 2021

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Posted Sat October 23, 2021 4:00pmReport post

So to answer your question, yes he has a job that he has been able to keep. He is fortunate enough that at the moment, he has not needed to disclose. He works from home the majority of the time (this is what led him to feeling very isolated when the first lockdown hit). Thankfully now he is able to get out and about with his job which is helping.

He had his court appearance on Friday, but it was just another plea hearing! Absolutely bonkers waste of everyone's time! Anyway, he is back for sentencing at the end of November. His barrister says will will be extremely lucky to get a suspended sentence and has advice him to expect a custodial! I'm so so scared, not only at the thought of him going to prison, but also because there was a press officer at the plea hearing, I'm fully expecting him to be back again for sentencing. I live in a small village, and bad news spreads like wildfire.

Edited Sat October 23, 2021 4:01pm


Member since
October 2021

11 posts

Posted Sun October 24, 2021 1:15pmReport post

Hi all,

I’ve been taking much-needed time to read these, process and think for myself. I appreciate everyone writing back and take on your advice.

The futility of trying to guess how things will go is evident. I know what I think would be a fitting punishment, knowing what I know and knowing my partner, but I still don’t know everything that was said and so it is really not possible. I’m really considering sticking by them (although I am finally recognising that I need to give this decision a lot of time and that I can change my mind if I want to down the line) but I am trying to think about how I'm going to cope in those worst-case scenarios – prison, media, a strict SHPO, tag, indefinite register. It’s heavy. The realisation I'm making as well is neither way is easy.

I’m thankful for the advice to look after myself as I know this is a really easy thing to not allow yourself to do, and I’m recognising the need to give myself a break from thinking about all this 24/7.

Just about the only thing I do know, and can feel from my partner, is the shock, remorse and desperation to get better and also do everything possible for me in the future. I think either way, whatever I choose to do, I have to remember I am young and there is a happy life to be had beyond this with a lot of healing and taking things day by day.

Bird19, I appreciate your long reply and I’m sorry for your situation. I can imagine how much more difficult it would be with a partner who did not take responsibility or show remorse, and even actively keeps hurting you and your emotions (or maybe that would make it an easier decision to leave – I don’t know). It sounds like you made the right decision for you and I fully respect your point about responsibility for behaviour. I am in no way trying to diminish the seriousness of the crime, just trying to understand it and go from there. I wish you the best of luck with the book, I’d love to read it when finished. Xx

Mw, that sounds really scary but you are doing great. I hope you have support around you at this time, I’m here if you just need to rant or cry about it, whatever happens xx

Sending all the love to all of you. xx


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sun October 24, 2021 8:48pmReport post

Hi all,

Thanks lost123, equally I would be interested in reading your work too, I wish you luck in your writing journey and can’t wait to read more, work like this is so important. Writing has been a cathartic experience and I hope one day there will be more literature of this kind to help women like us deal with the situation we find ourselves in.

As you say, this forum is a godsend and we are so lucky to have each other for mutual understanding albeit everyone’s experiences are so different. Thank you to all who have posted – I hadn’t really participated in any forum chats until now 2 years on, but I found a lot of comfort reading other people’s posts when I was at my lowest points. (Perhaps seeking answers I never received from my ex?) reading other people’s stories gave me a lot of hope and light knowing I wasn’t alone in my suffering, so thank you. Lost123 I absolutely agree with your points about addiction etc, as you say the level of remorse and accountability taken by the offender is key. Sadly this was not the case in my situation, but for many women, I understand that an open dialogue and communication with their partners could facilitate any potential reconciliation and eventually forgive if that is what people choose to do.

Personally I could not forgive and would have been morally at odds with my profession as a teacher. That's just me. Fortunately I had a lucky escape for any marital obligations or kids that made it very easy to leave although terminating a shared mortgage was a massive headache- Bernie is right in aligning any practicalities i.e bills/banks and paperwork which makes things a little more streamlined for you later. Nonetheless decisions are not taken lightly, like Bernie said earlier, I too am in awe of these amazing women who can find it in their heart to forgive and wish them lots of luck.

Hope - I felt your post struck a chord with me as I too was very young when this happened to me and can relate very much to your dilemma of deciding your life path. I felt it twisted the knife further when my social circle were celebrating life's milestones in happiness around me when my world had come crashing down was too much to bear. So I get it and it will take time, my directness earlier comes from a place of love, care and experience I do hope that comes across xx It will feel overwhelming to have the millions of ‘what ifs’ and worse case scenarios in your head all at once 24/7 there is no real right way to deal with this. I spent so long searching for answers but found there is a distinct lack of information for emotional support besides this website/forum which is a lifeline and thankful that it exists, but more should be out there by way of mental health support for the secondary victims and family/partners left behind. (Of course the police/law/SS can advise only so far) but coping with day to day life and emotions is really where the work begins and mental health/wellbeing takes its toll.

The enormity of all this consumed me and took me a long time to reach a level where I could even talk about it without crying – hence why I advocate having a support network of your own to unpick this at pace that feels comfortable to you, perhaps through therapy, counselling or with a trusted friend etc to help see objectively at all your options. Lots of love and good luck xxx

Edited Sun October 24, 2021 9:29pm