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Sexual harm prevention order

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Member since
June 2020

77 posts

Posted Wed October 20, 2021 11:52pmReport post

Hey everyone

Can an shpo stop you from going to concerts football matches and public events and stuff like that or does it just variy?

Thanks guys


Member since
June 2020

21 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 2:58amReport post


My understanding is they have to be much more specific than that, if they are too wide reaching, an offender could break the conditions of one by simply using public transport etc. The idea of them is to reduce specific risk events/opportunity to offend but not entirely impede daily life. They're in addition to the monitoring under the sex offender registry and are typically tailored to the nature of the crime.

An offender will likely have to avoid specific places where children are notably present - playgrounds, schools, nurseries or make a disclosure to the police/their employer should a place of work hire an apprentice who is a minor.

My (soon to be ex) husband's is to do with internet access and restrictions on certain sites, as well as no direct access to children (supervised contact only). He cannot enter school premises for example.

If you have any doubts, ask the probation officer to provide the specific requirements set out.


Member since
May 2021

98 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 6:54amReport post

Hi Sam

you may find it useful to give the unlock helpline a call they know a lot about this subject and there helpline is confidential

you might also find it useful to google the following

cps shpo


cps sentencing ancillary orders

then scroll down to shpo

this gives you good information as to what can and cant be in a SHPO


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 1:16pmReport post

Hi Samtyler

From my experience, my husbands SHPO does not state anything about restrictions on activities that you've said about. It's mostly internet based restrictions and contact with children under 16. If the offence is internet based it most probably will be similar.

blue xx


Member since
June 2020

77 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 5:05pmReport post

Hi blue82

Yes the offence is internet based what sort of restrictions has your husband got if you don't mind me asking