Family and Friends Forum

Every little knock in the house/door I jump through my skin.

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Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 7:20pmReport post


I dunno about anybody else but the smallest knock or noise makes me jump out of my skin.

Was in the shop and somebody knocked the counter and I nearly had a heart attack.


Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 8:50pmReport post

Gosh how I understand this. I was paranoid in the early days even terrified of the postman!!! - and he's a nice guy....

I remember jumping up in the middle of the night convinced someone was knocking at the door, I was shaking with my heart thumping - never ever been so scared. I really thought I too was having a heart attack....

It really is horrible, feel for you x

Edited Thu October 21, 2021 8:53pm


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 9:20pmReport post


We are 3 and a bit years in from knock and I still jump at the door, it's such a horrorable feeling x


Member since
September 2021

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Posted Thu October 21, 2021 9:20pmReport post

I am the same every knock on the door I am so worried even when i hear a car pull up makes me wonder if they have come back.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Thu October 21, 2021 9:31pmReport post

I'm like this too. If I get a knock at the door I'm not expecting I have to take a deep breath and see who it is out of the window first. It's horrible!


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu October 21, 2021 11:52pmReport post

We have changed the doorbell, but I am always anxious when it rings and we are not expecting anyone.


Member since
January 2020

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Posted Fri October 22, 2021 1:58amReport post

Omg! I was just the same... so frightened of anyone knocking at the door... especially early in the morning!! Feel more at ease now time is passing. X

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Fri October 22, 2021 4:49amReport post

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Edited Sun October 24, 2021 2:12am


Member since
October 2021

44 posts

Posted Fri October 22, 2021 7:17amReport post

You could all be suffering from PTSD.You have hypervigilance.


Member since
October 2021

44 posts

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 8:36amReport post

My friend has been going through this since 2019.He has told me everything that has ocurred including the charges "making" one cat b and one cat c because originally arrested for possession they cannot prove that because both images had been deleted (See Ross Warwick Porter),They cannot say from where the images came,when they were downloaded,where they were on the hard drive and when and how they were deleted and no knowledge of for how long they were on screen,yet still the gestapo persist.

Both he and I suffer from PTSD and he is autistic.I could say more but it could identify him.I say that because I have seen a post on a forum here which with a simple "google" search identified the person concerned.

The way this offence is treated is brutal and inhuman yet no one apart from the good people who post in this forum wants to change it.Most alleged offenders need help,not punishment,