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Confessing after no comment interview.

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October 2021

40 posts

We had a knock just over a week ago. Husband at the Police station been adviced to put no comment into every question by solicitor assigned to him there. Police officer doing interview was saying to my husband that he should say something anyway.

Then we called other solicitor, that said that they would advice no comment at that stage anyway, that we won't get second interview, just gotta wait for what they will find. My husband knows they will find a lot. He wants to confess. He wants to do it now. He doesn't want to wait. He wants to make it right. Told him to wait, after the weekend call someone else for advice.

Do you think it is a good idea to go to Police station after first - no comment - interview, or we just have to wait. Husband hopes that it might help him a little bit, he is still sure he will go to prison. He is getting max help available for now, waiting for his therapy. He has to call next week to find out more. He knows he's done wrong and trying to fix that.

Should we make it right now or wait ages until they find something?

Posted Fri October 22, 2021 6:04pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Thank you Lee.

We didn't take any solicitor yet, for a moment stick with one given at the Police station. He has to be back I think 11.11, they will probably just extend his bail.

Luckily we found him a room, quite expensive, 500, but still better than living in hostel for backpackers. Little bit more for a room, but you can't put price on normality and privacy he will have there. Just normal conditions to do even a laundry. He moves in on monday, so hopefully, he will feel a little bit better.

We will have to find someone. There are few solicitors in town, so we just have to pick.

Posted Fri October 22, 2021 8:01pmReport post

Sarah ??

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January 2021

177 posts


I had to reply to this as it is something we went through.

I encouraged my ex to go against solicitors advice. We all knew they'd find something. They had already disclosed some of the evidence to me (I think to shock me, or as a test to see if I had accessed the images. Who knows).

He went to a voluntary interview and disclosed everything. This was against advice.

The police found everything as expected. His barrister has since said he did the right thing.

I spent 12 months battling guilt as a result of this thinking I'd forced him into it. This was because we were going through a child protection conference (escaped a cp plan) and I was facing a work disciplinary (guilt by association apparently- came to nothing just more stress and trauma).

The one major issue with doing this is that he could've disclosed something the police weren't aware of and ended in deeper.

Really personal decision. It worked for us.

I'd also say, confessing won't speed up the process. Still took us 18 months for charging.

Reduction for guilty plea will still apply at this stage so currently a confession won't make a huge difference.


Posted Fri October 22, 2021 9:17pm
Edited Fri October 22, 2021 9:24pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Thank you Ladies, we will definitely consider everything, will make few phone calls.

He knows they will find a lot (i mean a lot as it will be in thousands, all categories) as he got addicted to it, and was doing it on-off for 2-3 years, couldn't tell me exactly. They will see how it proggressed from porn addiction, but it won't make too much difference to them, as he's done illegal, horrible thing.

Still waiting for SS to call me, so he can see our baby. I am pretty sure that they will extend the bail anyway and he will have to stay away. That is the most difficult, that we can't have this eye to eye conversation as I can't leave the baby. His parents are visiting in second week of November, that will be helpful week, but we will have to tell them the truth. At least I will have little bit more time.

He is off Monday and Tuesday, we will be working on that. Thank you!

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 6:46am
Edited Sat October 23, 2021 7:26amReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Yes, he is trying to get therapy, he contacted stop so, but nothing, he is waiting with other one. Will also go to the gp.

He is doing moduls. He has been told to do notes as a proof that he is doing something for sure.

I am scared as I might have say something during Police being here. I addmited that I have seen one, just one, file, with suspicious name indicating teenager 13yo, but it was nothing in there. I said it was empty, blank, but i googled that name and that why everything happened. I really regret saying anything. I really do, but it is too late. I told my husband only about seeing this file, but I will tell him tomorrow or Monday, that I told the detective that I have seen empty file with that name. It is killing me. I thought if I say it, they will leave him alone. I was so stupid. We will call his duty solicitor and will tell her that I said that thing and what should we do.

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 1:12pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Thank you Lee, you are massive help.

He is reading your brain on porn online for now, bought him a normal copy, should get it by Wednesday. Will look for the groups you said. He said he will do anything he has to to fix it. He just has no idea where to start.

I am just really terrified that I said that. Will not say another word to them, will just get advice from solicitors.

Why did I say that. Apparently they were recording everything that was said, but I only found out about half way through the thing. They should say that to me straight away. One of policemans doing the search mention that literally half way. Not fair on me.

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 4:56pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

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I will, thank you. Maybe they said to my husband before I arrived, but I still should be informed anyway, second I arrived.

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 5:40pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

I will talk to him, thank you. We will definitely discuss that with solicitor. It makes me do angry.

Posted Sat October 23, 2021 6:01pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Husband said they told hhm everything they do is recorded. Still noone told me till late. Will say that to solicitor.

Posted Sun October 24, 2021 6:58am
Edited Sun October 24, 2021 8:59amReport post


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Thank you, really, thank you so much.

I told my husband today that I mentioned this one thing, he is not angry, as he says IT is all his fault, which it is. We will call solicitor tomorrow. It is his moving day as well. Hope he will feel little bit better. Found him saa Group in our town, there are meetings online if grup doesn't work out.

Gotta wait till tomorrow.

Posted Sun October 24, 2021 12:49pmReport post

Quick exit