Family and Friends Forum

Magistrates tomorrow

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Member since
March 2019

42 posts

I am going to the magistrates court tomorrow to hear first hand his charges as he has never been straight with me and is only way I will know. Also to see if my address mentioned and if press there. What were others’ experiences and did anything hit press at this point?

Posted Mon March 11, 2019 8:12pmReport post


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

I didn't know the magistrates data but I went to crown court in order to hear the counts as like your husband mine has never been truthful with me.

I found quite hard to know exactly what he's done.

There was no press there, the police told me it's quite unusual for the press to be at magistrates but there is more likelihood at crown court but it's not a given.

The police told me it would be XXX formerly of XXX. People on here have said that roads are mentioned but not numbers of the house, luckily I've moved so I haven't got that bit too contend with.

God luck with the court, I hope it's not too horendous for you


Posted Mon March 11, 2019 8:41pmReport post

Big sigh

Member since
December 2018

244 posts

Rosa - how did it go?

Posted Wed March 13, 2019 9:46pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

42 posts

Big Sigh - better than I expected - I had worked with idea of worst possible scenarios for everything but address not mentioned and no press there. BUT I knew the CPS solicitor - he is the parent of someone in my son’s class and that freaked me out hugely worrying that somehow it will come back to my child via him. I have rationalised that he is probably bound by confidentiality or professional conduct at least as this is of course now allowed to be public knowledge - another case was brought in to be started whilst we were waiting for the judges to deliberate and return so this poor guy and his mum who were there as I found out for a drink driving charge sat to listen to my ex’s charges and next steps and I didn’t like that. I did discover one shocking bit of info about the age if victims in some of the images although my brother had prepared me that with the number of images my ex had they were bound to span category, age etc. It was this that meant the judges were struggling as to whether to clsss this overall as a category c or b offence. Both solicitors kept saying they thought it could be resolved at magistrates which surprised me as I had been told these types of crime are crown matters. Anyway, 6 weeks until next magistrates - we will be almost 1 year post knock by then.

Posted Thu March 14, 2019 3:29am
Edited by moderator Thu March 14, 2019 8:17pmReport post


Member since
March 2019

42 posts

Orifesdoobal conduct should read professional conduct!!!

Posted Thu March 14, 2019 3:31amReport post

Quick exit