Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Mon October 25, 2021 10:10amReport post

Crown court today, feel sick.


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 10:17amReport post

I really feel for you, is this for sentencing?

our date is 3 weeks away and although I want it all over whatever the outcome I'm equally dreading the day

sending lots of love and hugs


Member since
November 2020

45 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 10:37amReport post

Sentencing. And they only let one family member into the court too so that was devastating :-(


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 11:29amReport post

Thinking of you, and hoping for the best outcome xx


Member since
November 2020

45 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 12:10pmReport post

Suspended!!!! I'll explain everything once I'm home


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 12:40pmReport post

I am so happy for you. That is really good news!

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

876 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 1:05pmReport post

Fanstatic news hun. Chill and get a drink x


Member since
November 2020

45 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 1:40pmReport post

Hi everyone!

We're home now after the second worst day of our lives (the first being 100% 'the knock'). So when we got to court, they said only one person was allowed inside but thankfully the barrister had a word with the ushers and they let 2 other family members in to support! He had his first quick chat with the barrister in a private room about what would be said (I went in with him) and then went into court 20 mins early. When we walked in the barrister told us all that the media was in the court and they would be reporting the case so we all instantly broke down :-(

They went over the case and mitigating factors which took about 20 mins and then the judge left to consider the sentencing. This took about 30 minutes which was truely hell. In that time one of the ushers had left and came back informing the other that the journalist had left! So they never came into the court room! The barrister said that they can only report and get access to the recordings if they attend the room... so fingers crossed!

The judge came back in and it really did sound like he was getting immediate custodial because the volume and age of the child he had was truely horrendous :-( But she said that his mitigating factors, employment which are aware and gave a character reference and also the ongoing paid therapy meant she felt she could justify suspending the sentence!!


18 months suspended for 2 years

10 years SOR and SHPO (the restrictions were MASSIVELY reduced also by the prosecution with the help of our barrister.)

200 community hours I believe and I think the horizon course but in all honesty I didn't listen to this part, I was just happy that it got suspended!

His offences were:

Possession and (potential) distribution of around 3800 images including 900 cat A and possession of 7 extreme images

His mitigation (the judge mentioned in her justification) were:

- First time offence

-Immaturity when doing it as it started as a early teen

-Extremely chaotic childhood which she really took into consideration and mentioned in the justification

-Stable Employment and them knowing about the case

-Supportive family network with 8 character references. She said this is rare in these cases and she also read them twice so well worth submitting.

-Seeking rehabilitation off his own accord and ongoing paid therapy.

-Showing genuine remorse that she truely believed

There's probably more but I'm just so happy it's over with and just need to cross my fingers for no media!! I did look on the crown court listings on Friday and did my research as to what was going on that day and also who the judge was and she did seem like a really fair judge.

Edited Mon October 25, 2021 9:05pm


Member since
October 2021

40 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 2:16pmReport post

Once again, so happy for you xx


Member since
November 2020

45 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 2:34pmReport post

Thank you so much! I feel like life can somewhat go back to normal now which is such a relief! And having a good barrister is 100% recommended, she was amazing :-)


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Mon October 25, 2021 3:13pmReport post

Oh lolamoo I'm so happy it was a good outcome xxx I'm having huge anxiety attacks thinking about ours in 5 weeks. The press came to the plea hearing so I'm expecting them to attend the sentencing.. This is the part I dread the most, our worlds have been torn apart alreasy, without having to deal with the backlash that come with press!


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Tue October 26, 2021 12:13pmReport post

Looking back, I wouldn't have sleepless nights over media coverage as it really is pot luck and nothing really can be done to prevent this. Our barrister said her last 4 cases similar to ours weren't reported as there's just so many going to court daily. There were around 15 different hearings going on in court yesterday and so far only one case (went in the same court room straight after us) has been reported so far. Also because of covid, the general public can't enter the court so less risk of it getting out via other means.


Member since
March 2021

354 posts

Posted Tue October 26, 2021 11:13pmReport post

I am so pleased you had a good outcome.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed October 27, 2021 12:20pmReport post

Sounds very similar to my partner and he got the same sentencing for similar offending. Tho the judge didn't really explain what mitigation measures she factored in. My partner had about four character references but there was no mention these were read. But I do highly recommend doing them.

Interesting that the judge was happy with the proactive therapy. Unfortunately the judge and prosecution made it seem he was only doing it to reduce his sentence. I can't remember but I think the defence also hinted this, they were not great and I think they nearly jeopardized it for my partner. We thought he was definitely going to jail with the opening statement from the judge, but then said they took in the considerations and have suspended


Member since
November 2020

45 posts

Posted Wed October 27, 2021 2:07pmReport post

Our barrister asked the judge if she'd read the references and she said yes and then when she was justifying the sentencing, she said she read them again.

My partner started the offending when he was extremely young himself because of an awfully toxic childhood and so the reasons why it started and what he's doing to stop it from happening again added up. She asked if the therapy would be ongoing too. We also mentioned in my reference that he's paying monthly reparations to a well known charity for children who are abused as it's the only way to show true remorse and she said that showed maturity as he is still only young in the grand scheme of things.

I have to say, i thought he was going to prison as the defence was getting all the charge sheet information wrong, he said my partner was part of a network/ ring!! This is not the case at all, he got the images from an anonymous chat site so he had no idea who he was talking to! He also got our number of our address and his age from offending wrong and even had another offenders name at the top of the shpo! He was honestly useless, I think even the judge noticed and she kept asking where he'd got the information from (face palm).

Edited Wed October 27, 2021 2:07pm


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Wed October 27, 2021 5:13pmReport post

It is shocking to hear others have similar issues durithe court hearings. The first hearing they got my partner's address wrong and his age. May seem like little things but when you have lawyers and authorities with your life in their hands it is a kick in the teeth that they can be this careless.

The defence pretty much said my partner did the online courses and inform course to get a shorter sentence! It was one factor for sure but my partner sought help from LFF before he knew it would be seen as mitigation.