Family and Friends Forum

communication with decoy

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Member since
September 2021

36 posts

Posted Sat October 30, 2021 4:56pmReport post

Hi i was just woundering do all the communication with the decoys always go to a sentence ?

Even if never arranged to meet ?, even if the decoy was pushing things more and more ? I’m starting to get worried now as my husband has just gave up and wants to end it all (life) he said there will be 1 photo and 1 video but that’s it, I just feel it’s all wrong if it was just a conversation between 2 adults and nothing was arranged. ( I understand the danger of this ) but if you know nothing would happen and it was all just talk.

We still don’t know what is happening as he went back down after the 28 days and they would not see him, his solicitor has said he can’t do anything. I’m just getting mad as I just want to help him and I don’t know what to do.

I know I’m only early days to this but I think the system is all wrong, yes I understand that everything has to be checked, yes I know they could be a danger, yes I know they need punished but seeing the person you love just give up and loosing everything before they even get a sentence or even a up date off the police, the time scale,it can’t be good for anyone I know me and my kids are struggling really bad and that’s only early days. It just feels like we have to suffer as well we have to pay the price for this we are getting punished as well with SS worrying about the press, worrying about your job, friends and money it just goes on and on

sorry for the big rant I just don’t know what I can do x

Edited Sat October 30, 2021 5:25pm


Member since
September 2021

36 posts

Posted Sat October 30, 2021 6:01pmReport post

Hi lee 1969, thanks for getting back to me it was a adult decoy saying she had children and encouraged him to say things about them, I’m just scared as when I’m reading other posts the cps and police are making thinks up about people and saying they have done things when they haven’t I know they need evidence for this but reading some makes me think that they don’t need evidence so he has no hope x

he was asked to send a photo by her but no other photos were sent and I think the conversation was about sexual things with the children and the only thing they will find is 1 deleted photo and 1 deleted video that someone sent him as the kids use the devices as well so he never kept things like that incase they found things x

Edited Sat October 30, 2021 6:05pm


Member since
September 2021

36 posts

Posted Sat October 30, 2021 7:40pmReport post

Thankyou lee 1969 I don’t know what I would do with out you x you are always there for me and others all the time xx