Family and Friends Forum


Member since
October 2021

8 posts

Posted Sun October 31, 2021 9:42amReport post

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Edited Fri December 31, 2021 9:17am


Member since
July 2021

98 posts

Posted Mon November 8, 2021 9:15pmReport post

Hi Lilly77,

I'm so sorry that you've found yourself here. I am feel the distress and devastation from your post and just want to give you a big hug.

How are you feeling? I can see it's been a few days since your original post, I hope your emotions are settling a little and you are feeling supported. The first few weeks are incredibly difficult but you will get through them.

Please keep reaching out - we are here to listen and will help if we can.

Sending big hugs x

Edited Mon November 8, 2021 9:16pm

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2486 posts

Posted Mon November 8, 2021 9:37pmReport post

Bless you..... you have friends on here we've all been through this darkness, long and lonely days...

hug sent x


Member since
May 2021

43 posts

Posted Mon November 8, 2021 10:08pmReport post

Hi Lilly77

Sorry to hear that you are struggling, this is a club we don't want to be in, and it is a devastating shock. I found that the best thing was to take it a day at a time, I hope that you have got through to the helpline. The police also gave me a local victim helpline number that was very helpful. I found out in Feb so I am a few months down the line, I am going through a divorce at the moment, I had no idea my husband would do this, my life like yours has been turned upside down, the future that I thought I had gone. I had to tell close family as I had to explain why he wasn't living with me anymore, you may have to tell close and trusted family members so that you can talk to someone about this.

You haven't mentioned what happened but whether you stay with your husband or not neither decision is easy, it seems that even though we are the victims we still seem to feel the guilt as though we are to blame.

It does get easier and you will go through all the emotions everyday, trying to carry on with your routine helps work etc, try to get as much help as you can via helplines, doctors etc.

We will all get through this, I find it helpful to read the stories of women who have made it through the other side and started another life, it made me hopeful.



Member since
October 2021

5 posts

Posted Wed November 10, 2021 9:46amReport post

I'm sorry you have found yourself here. I wanted to say well done though for ringing 111 and for getting some help. I think with the shock we all need someone to talk to. I am sending a virtual hug your way.

I'm now nearly 8 months down the journey from the knock and this site has been amazing, it's not a club any of us want to be in. I hope you have a strong network around you though to support you through this.

Purple x


Member since
September 2021

97 posts

Posted Thu November 11, 2021 7:12pmReport post


This group has been a lifeline for me through my darkest moments. I totally understand all of your emotions, it's the most devastating thing to have to deal with. Really hope your ok xx


Member since
October 2021

8 posts

Posted Thu November 11, 2021 11:25pmReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Fri December 31, 2021 9:23am


Member since
November 2021

3 posts

Posted Fri November 12, 2021 12:31pmReport post

I found doing Inform was so useful. The friends I made on there are with me every day - we are helping each other through the dark times and the good. We are not Alone x


Member since
October 2021

14 posts

Posted Wed November 17, 2021 8:55amReport post

EG can you share your experience of doing the inform course I'm enrolled but it will be after Christmas when I'll start.

Thanks H22

What do I know

Member since
July 2021

28 posts

Posted Wed November 17, 2021 12:09pmReport post

The first few weeks are the hardest as your world turns upside down. Keep strong, it does get eaiser and a new normal begins but it takes time with bumps along the way. And also cry and rant and rave. Believe I've done that too! I also feel your frustrations. When I felt like you I wanted something instantaneous and to connect to others who understood. Reached out on the forum but as was my first post moderation took time and replies did. I completely understand anonymity but sometimes I do wish there was way to connect easier.


Member since
March 2021

150 posts

Posted Wed November 17, 2021 6:55pmReport post

I totally agree with everyone, the first few weeks are horrendous... So many questions that are often unanswered. Please please reach out to us all on here. It doesn't matter what time, day or night.. Someone will be here to talk. Xxxx