Family and Friends Forum


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Mon November 1, 2021 9:53amReport post

Hey everyone,

I've just read this on the CPS website and as it's a well know fact this takes so long to investigate, I was just wondering if I'm reading it correctly. From this I understand that it has to be taken to court within 3 years from the alleged offence - so a conversation in 2017 would not be able to be taken to court? Is that right? Or does it mean it had to be taken to the police within 3 years?

Section 127 Time LimitNot withstanding that section 127 is a summary offence, section 127(5) provides: “An information or complaint relating to an offence under this section may be tried bya magistrates' court in England and Wales or Northern Ireland if it is laid or made — before the end of the period of 3 years beginning with the day on which the offence was committed, andbefore the end of the period of 6 months beginning with the day on which evidence comes to the knowledge of the prosecutor which the prosecutor considers sufficient to justify proceeding”


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Mon November 1, 2021 10:10amReport post

Ahh, must've missed that! Thanks Lee. I thought it was odd as some of the cases on here have been going on forever and a day. Worth an ask. Xx


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Mon November 1, 2021 10:28amReport post

Yeah I can understand contact abuse not having a time limit. I find this all very confusing and it all seems very messy with no clear guidance for charges or sentencing. I mean even referring to an image being illegal if it is classed as "grossly offensive" that is very much personal opinion. I think a hell of a lot of work needs to be done on making things clear and working with people instead of against them. The majority of cases on here, the "offenders" aren't monsters but they certainly get treated as such and life is made very difficult for them instead of trying to help them. It's very sad xx