Family and Friends Forum

How much longer???

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Member since
May 2021

19 posts

Posted Mon November 1, 2021 2:35pmReport post

I've only posted on here once before but it's now been nine months since the knock.
My son was arrested for IIOC, was released RUI, he's half way through his inform course & since then I've decided to do it too, I start mine next Monday I'm very nervous about it & talking to others about it, as I've not told anyone!! Any of you lovely ladies done it & give me any tips & reassurance I'm doing the right thing??

Also I called the called the OIC about 4 weeks ago to see if there was any progress. She said the devices were almost finished looking at about 2 to 4 weeks and then it would go to the CPS. Anyone have any idea how long this will take from now? Since the call my anxiety has got really bad and not sleeping again so I have been to the doctors and increased medication!

Last thing I wanted to ask was do we need to be getting a solicitor now ready for the charges and if so how do we find one that's specialised in this subject and what do we search for?

Lastly although I do not post on here very often I read all the stories and they help me knowing that I'm not alone so thank you very much all of you lovely ladies