Family and Friends Forum

Just so lost

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Member since
June 2020

77 posts

Posted Tue November 2, 2021 9:54pmReport post

Hey everyone

So for those who have been following my story my friend had magistrates few weeks ago and because his solicitor didn't see evidence against him he put a no plea in but he has crown court tomorrow for an plea hearing as I suspected he was going to plead guilty but an last minute meeting with his solicitor he said he hasn't viewed any iioc and because the devices was shared in the household he's going to say not guilty he's opening up alot more about it he said during the time the apparent iioc was viewed some of the time he wasn't even in the house when the viewing was taking place only thing they have to link him to the possession is his email address and an phone number during the meeting with his solicitor his dad went in with him and even his dad said all devices was shared or second hand his solicitor is getting the devices analysisd by an independent company but my concern is now if he's found guilty after pleading not guilty what happens to him then he's said alot to me and it turns out it is an complicated case I'm sorry if that's confusing anyone I'm struggling to get it myself



Member since
June 2020

77 posts

Posted Tue November 2, 2021 11:00pmReport post

Hi Lee1969

Yes his mum and dad was questioned but no further action was taken and he can have his girlfriend vouch for him as at the time of some of the searches he was at her house and even during interview his dad said that at the time of some of the searches he was either asleep or at work the thing that's so annoying me now is that only thing linking him to the devices is his email and phone number which anyone in his household could of used and because my friend forget things so easily he keeps everything so simple and no doubt people in his house know his password he's taking an huge risk going in not guilty but how would an jury look at that he's simply lost as he believes he honestly hasn't done it but he feels like it's unfair as everything was shared and people in the house knew his email address and phone number