Family and Friends Forum

New relationship/emotions/struggling

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Member since
December 2018

21 posts

Posted Tue March 12, 2019 11:39pmReport post

Hi all,

Hope everyone is doing ok, I’ve had a few wobbly months since the sentencing of my expartner. My little boy is struggling too and I’ve got him an appointment with a local counselling service tomorrow, I may see if there’s anything that would benefit me.

I entered into a new relationship last year and since finding out what my ex did, I have struggled with any form of intimacy. I don’t know if this has affected anyone else but I just needed to put it down in writing to get it off my chest. I have spoken to my partner tonight and he is so understanding and caring, telling me not to worry and for me to take my time in that department. I just don’t want to push him away, even though he has told me I’m not doing!

I’ve also attended a family hearing recently which has reassured me in that area, knowing that the courts agree that my ex is a risk to children and that they also would not support him having any direct or indirect contact with the children due to the offences. He will be out of prison towards the end of summer so I just hope he doesn’t put me through any more aggro in terms of trying to see the children! Has anyone else been through anything similar post prison release? He is on the sex offenders register indefinitely and has to sign it for 5 years. He also has an SHPO with lots of restrictions, including not residing anywhere with under 18s present.

sorry for waffling, just needed to get it off my chest! Xx


Member since
December 2018

6 posts

Posted Wed March 13, 2019 4:45amReport post

Hiya, straight up I'm proud of you for moving on past what's happened, people don't get enough credit for the simple act of continuing on with their lives.

Your partner sounds like a stand-up guy and if he don't wanna push you into anything and you don't want to push him away then literally just keep doing what you're doing cause it sounds like it's working.

This hasn't really added much but there's not really any advice to be given here except to keep on your path. It's so good that your little boy is going to counseling, maybe you should look into it just for yourself too, if only to learn to deal with your current problem with intimacy. Accepting outside help from a professional could really help you as well.

You've come so far down this path and have made all the right choices, from safeguarding the kids to moving on with your own life. Trust your own judgment because it hasn't failed you yet.

Tasha xx