Family and Friends Forum

Torn in half

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Member since
November 2021

3 posts

Posted Sun November 7, 2021 12:58pmReport post

My brother had the knock in December last year, and told me immediately. He sold his house and moved in with me, to help look after my disabled mum (suffered a stroke 20 years ago). I have provided him with endless support through his suicidal thoughts, and he has got therapy from LF as well as a private psychologist, received the very best counsel and has given up drugs alcohol and viewing. He is transformed.

he was initially told he would be given a caution, but it went to court and was published in the paper, which, given our standing in our local town, was heartbreaking. As a consequence he had to let family and friends know through an email he sent. It explained his addictions and how he got there. In the main, our family have been very supportive, but my grown up daughters want me to leave and will not be swayed on their views. I have met up with them three times in three weeks, and now they're saying that they don't want to see me either until they've got strong enough to cope. I think they're obviously angry that my life has been ruined and want me to break free. If I do that, my brother will be stuck with a mother who is quite honestly thankless and ungrateful. We need to stick together, but my kids mean everything to me. What do I do?


Member since
May 2021

153 posts

Posted Mon November 8, 2021 8:20pmReport post

EG that sounds like a terribly difficult situation I'm sorry to hear your story. It sounds like you do so much for others, I hope you have someone to look out for you. Maybe your daughters would be helped by speaking to the stop it now help line? Or maybe given some time they'll be a bit more receptive. I'm sorry I can't provide advice but this is a safe space to rant if you need to! Thinking of you x

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Tue November 9, 2021 4:41amReport post

I can (to a degree match) your circumstances our crime was in the family ultimations were given - which I can wholly understand, but are nevertheless cruel.

i live a lie each day but have no option. I dearly love all my family to the earth and back. Living on a tightrope isn't the best but it works ) for now ), I try not to worry about the future... that's me looking after myself x

Edited Tue November 9, 2021 4:45am


Member since
October 2021

44 posts

Posted Tue November 9, 2021 6:05amReport post

This just shows how the approach by the authorities needs to change to really "stop it".


Member since
November 2021

3 posts

Posted Fri November 12, 2021 8:38amReport post

Thank you for your kind words... I have told both my daughters to reach out to Stop It Now and LLF - but are both refusing... other family members have offered to speak to them too. Point blank no. I've decided I can't have the negativity right now, when (if) they're ready I'm here. Very distressing.

crown court next week... hopefully non-custodial as the police are putting this forward.