Family and Friends Forum

3 months in

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Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Sun November 7, 2021 3:49pmReport post

So we are three months into a 21 months custodial.

A lot of thing have happened. Husband recently was moved to a new prison 3 and a half hrs away.

The appeal with the first judge was refused but we are proceeding the the three judges.

Has anyone had the first judge refuse and then the three judges agree.

Husband is really suffering and his mental health has gone down considerably since his sentence.

It took us over a month and a half to get any sort of contact with him and now since he has moved we don't have contact with him again.

I know no one can do anything in here but just needed to vent.

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Sun November 7, 2021 5:39pmReport post


I can't help, sorry. Only day 3 into prison sentence. Hoping to go to appeal so will look for advice via this thread also.

Seems so unfair that one person has unlimited power at the time of sentencing. No one to say that's a bit harsh etc. They really should work in pairs at least.



Member since
November 2019

23 posts

Posted Sun November 7, 2021 6:25pmReport post


Our appeal was also refused by the single judge. My husband is serving 20 months custodial. The advice from our legal team was, that if we proceeded after the single judge refused, they could re-start his sentence and possibly add more time onto what he would serve. We decided not to take the risk.

That is really poor regarding contact! Do you have any idea where he has gone? You could try the family engagement team at the prison. They put so much emphasis on creating strong family ties and reducing mental health issues, but when it comes to it they are the people that make it difficult.

Edited Sun November 7, 2021 9:36pm