Family and Friends Forum

Innocent partner police interview

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Member since
November 2021

1 post


I apologise if this isn't the right place to post this. This is my first time posting, although I've visited the site a few times over the last year.

The knock was October 2020 and my husband was arrested and then released on bail, and all the electronics in the house were seized. Just over a year later and the police are finally finished looking through all the devices. They say they've found indecent images and my husband has to go in for an interview next week.

But the worst part right now is that the police called up to say they found indecent images on my laptop, so now they're treating me like a criminal, saying I have to go in for an interview the same day as him, and if I don't they'll arrest me. Hopefully this will be quickly cleared up when we explain that the laptop was originally his, and I had no knowledge of any of this. His solicitor will accompany me to the interview.

But I'm scared. I have severe mental health issues, and I'm scared of how I might react in an interview. I was suicidal last year after the knock, and while I'm not quite as bad as I was then, it wouldn't take much to push me there.

My husband is also my carer and I'm also very scared what will happen if the worst happens and he ends up with a custodial sentence. I know we're probably still a long way off from sentencing, but it's hard not to worry. It's hard to think about the future at all.

I guess I'm also wondering if this has happened to anyone else here, that the police have dragged anyone here in for questioning? I'm scared they'll use the fact I've stayed with him against me...

Posted Wed November 10, 2021 11:39pmReport post

Lucy from Stop it Now!

Member since
September 2018

532 posts

Hi Cassandra,

Thank you for your post on the Family and Friends forum. I recognise how difficult this can be, and we are really happy that you have felt able to reach out for help on the forum. I am so sorry to hear about the difficult situation you are currently in, and the impact that this is having on you. I hope that, if you have not done so already, that you consider reaching out for support and help via the Stop It Now! helpline. I want to reassure you that we are here to offer an empathetic listening ear during these difficult times. I recognise how daunting the interview process will seem, especially as you have not accessed this content. I encourage you to talk to your solicitor before the interview to clarify what legal advice they have. As you have highlighted this sounds like a big misunderstanding, and hopefully this can be communicated in both yours, and your partners interview. I would like to reassure you that the fact you have chosen to stay with your partner should not affect the investigation process.

One of the most important things to do at the moment is to ensure that you are looking after yourself at well as you can. Ensuring that you are eating and sleeping properly and getting some exercise daily can be really helpful in making you start to feel a bit better in yourself. You might find it beneficial to book an appointment with your GP if you haven’t already done so, to discuss how you are feeling. They might be able to offer further support services that might help you during this time. I would also encourage you to identify a close family member or friend that you trust to confide in so that you are not struggling along by yourself.

I would like to also give you details of the Samaritans, you can contact them on 116 123 when you are experiencing suicidal thoughts or would like someone to listen to you. If you feel as if your life is at immediate risk, I would strongly encourage you to visit A&E or call 999.

I will also include the details for MIND which can be found here: They also have a helpline which provides advice and support for anyone who is experiencing a mental health problem. They can be contacted on their?infoline?on 0300 123 3393 if you would like to speak to them for some advice and support.

I understand that things look dark at the moment and it can be difficult to want to try and move through that, however there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you can get through this. It might seem impossible now but with the right support and guidance, you can push through this period, and come out on the other side. Life might look slightly different to what you expected, but that does not mean that it will not be a good life.

Kind regards,
The Forum Team

Posted Fri November 12, 2021 2:44pm
Edited Fri November 12, 2021 2:45pmReport post


Member since
May 2021

154 posts

I'm so sorry Cassandra. That would just be a nightmare to have to go through. Thinking of you xx

Posted Sat November 13, 2021 2:25pmReport post

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