Family and Friends Forum

Sentencing soon

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Member since
August 2021

54 posts

So sentencing date is next week and I'm just trying to get any practical information I can!

I have contacted children heard and seen and they were fantastic should it end up being custodial.

he had his meeting with probation which seemed to go really well and they were advising against custodial but I know that could mean nothing.

we are still waiting for his pre sentence report and shop, any advice on when we should receive this by?

also any advice on what should/ shouldn't be in the shpo? I know it has to relate to the crime (online communication) but not sure what restrictions with children especially his own might look like?

I have to concentrate on the practical so I can face what might come do would appreciate any advice on the above or just in general what to expect on the day especially if it ends in custodial.

Posted Fri November 12, 2021 4:12pmReport post

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts


Sentencing for us was last week. The shpo was negotiated on the day which I found appalling.

The pre sentence report wasn't paid attention to as the judge thought it was scripted. He spent 18 months informing himself about the impact of iioc to be punished for it.

Make sure you put together a bag as its really important to go prepared.

Hopefully it's fair for you.

My eldest starts children heard and seen sessions next week. They are fantastic.

Regardless of the outcome there is a sense of relief deep within that the uncertainty is over. I hope you feel the same sense of relief and its more positive experience for you.

Best wishes.

Posted Fri November 12, 2021 7:29pmReport post


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Thanks for the replies, I am dreading it but really just want a conclusion to it whatever that is.

We have done several character references and his own accountability letter and all agencies he's been involved with have confirmed everything with probation so all in their pre sentence report.

he has contacted his solicitor repeatedly only to be told today they don't usually have anything other than the pre sentence report before sentencing so looks like ge will see that on the day, I have told him that's bull***t but I can't keep fighting his battles.

I'm honestly just exhausted and want it over so can't face an adjournment for his sentencing.

Can I ask roughly how old your children are Sarah and what you told them?

Posted Fri November 12, 2021 8:57pmReport post


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Hi Lee, yes sentencing done, 12 months suspended for 2 years, some courses with probation to complete and SOR/ SHPO for 10 years.

thank you so much for your advice it really helped!

Posted Thu November 18, 2021 12:39pmReport post

Chelsea 1

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June 2021

902 posts

Hiya Snoop.

Awww well done. Glad this bit over for you at least now you can try and rebuild your life's.

How long has it taken to get to this point ?

Onwards and upwards xx

Posted Thu November 18, 2021 5:17pmReport post


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Thank you Lee, I'm not sure how I feel if that makes sense? I'm over the moon for him and the children as I was dreading having to tell them but now it's another fight with social services. Our SW left a week before sentencing and we are yet to have a new one allocated so no further forward even though he has no restrictions legally regarding children. Then there's our relationship to consider if put it on hold until after sentencing and I'm up and down daily on what I want to do.

chelsea we were lucky in that he was charged on the day of arrest so 5 months start to finish and only took this long because at two plea hearings the cps hadn't written the charges correctly so we had 2 adjournments.

Posted Thu November 18, 2021 9:14pmReport post


Member since
October 2021

44 posts

Snoop,can you say how many images,communication? Thank you if you can say.

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 8:27amReport post


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Minzaal it was 1 online communication with a police decoy

Although there seems no precedent for sentencing in these cases the judge was vary fair, he was the one who actually questioned a lot of his shpo conditions and took them out and he mentioned several times his character references and in particular mine so think they really helped, he also did a letter of accountability which I would definitely recommend

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 10:25pmReport post


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Hello folks

Pleased to hear things went well Snoop. As you and others have observed there is still much work to be done after sentencing but at least more of the control is back in your own hands.

Yesterday my husband received his Court date - 21st December. We are in Scotland so his case will be held in the Sheriff Court. All the evidence and statements will be presented including reports from Stop It and his psychotherapist. I am still tweaking my character statement. If his guilty plea is accepted the hearing will be suspended pending a report and recommendation from the Criminal Justice social worker. This is usually required within 28 days but I'm guessing it may take longer due to the bank holidays.

On the plus side I'm hoping people will be too busy with Christmas to scour the local press for Court reports!

It feels strange to be looking forward to sentencing but one way or another it will mark the end of one phase and the start of another.

Wishing everyone the very best whatever stage of the journey you are at.

Posted Fri December 3, 2021 11:54amReport post

Smile through tears

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September 2021

2673 posts

In our case it was shock at the severity of the sentence, but like you say it is a relief and then you can make steps to move forward.....

Posted Mon December 6, 2021 4:37amReport post

Quick exit