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Can anyone help please

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Welsh lady 60

Member since
November 2021

2 posts

My husband was arrested 4th June 2020 he had been using the KIK app and had been caught in a viaglanti sting and streamed live on Facebook ( this has been the worse 18 months of our family lives). He was arranging to meet an adult but it was the sting people who caught him and was all about chatting on line to under age girl who was them they said in the video that the knew he would ever meet a child and this was the only way they could get him... I hate these people..

He was released under investigation and then the letter came 4th October 2021 he was charged with 2 things at the time but at court it had been reduced to one attempting to communicate with a child. The sting people not a real child. He pleaded guilty and is awaiting sentencing at crown court.

During the past year he has been allowed to live at home with our family that includes our 8 year old granddaughter, no one has questioned her safety, although we know he would never hurt her.

Since the letter arrived he has moved out because we don't know what will happen will he be able to see our Granddaughter we are completely in the dark about what comes next.

The prosecution have asked for a SHRO which we don't understand as it only says about online chatting and not deleting history and also if he has a new phone he must tell the police. Not a mention of him being unsafe around children and no one to explain this too us.

I know the SOR says we have to tell them if he is living with child for 12 hours or more but he isn't living with us so does this mean he cannot see our Granddaughter for more than 12 hours a week??

Can someone please help us.

I'm so glad I found this page as I feel so alone only us as a small family know and a very few friends.

Thank you so much for reading this . Much love and thanks xx

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 10:07am
Edited Tue November 16, 2021 10:40amReport post


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

hi welsh lady so sorry to hear you have gone through this, it's the most horrific experience I think for all families involved in these situations but hopefully you are nearing the end and can start rebuilding!

are children's services involved? Or are there any specific restrictions in his bail conditions? If an agreement was already in place with regard to contact that would still be in place until after sentencing (or atleast was the case for us)

I believe the conditions of the SOR are 12 hours at a time so if he was living at home or visiting for 12 hours or more in any day (this is how I understand it) you would need to notify the police but this is just for information they do not say whether he can or can't that is usually from the SHPO or children's services.

The SHPO should be relevant to the charge so again in my case it was an online communication offence so only has restrictions around internet use/ devices nothing regarding contact with children although the prosecution did want that in the judge on the day took it out stating it was not proportionate to the offence so it's good if his doesn't have anything in.

i am waiting for Children's services to get back to us on what this means for our situation as his bail conditions prohibited him from living with the children but this has gone now he has been sentenced and as I said nothing in his SHPO

hope this helps in some way but the helplines regularly mentioned on here are great places for advice!

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 9:41pmReport post

Welsh lady 60

Member since
November 2021

2 posts

Thank you so much for your reply, bail conditions were at first bsiled to his mums address which he went to had to report back in 4 weeks and then bail was dropped. We called the police and informed them my granddaughter who is 8 lives with us and they said they had no worries about him coming home. Childrens services have never been involved.

His SHPO states only like yourself no Internet and using mobile devices, nothing else.

He doesn't live with us he moved out 6 weeks ago, my world feels like a roller coaster at the moment one day fine next day crying all the time. The man I married and loved has turned out to be a person I do ot know.. hopefully things will get better soon. Xx

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 11:29pmReport post

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