Family and Friends Forum


Member since
November 2021

3 posts

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 3:40pmReport post

Hi everyone,

I've been a silent reader of this forum since I discovered it quite a while ago, and I just want to say firstly how brave you all are. Even typing out a message of how you feel can be so so difficult and takes a lot of courage. It's almost comforting to know there's so many of us in the same position, feels almost like I'm not going out of my mind as much as I think I am. Although I wouldn't wish it on anyone and wish there wasnt a need for this.
I am now a year on since a custodial sentence was handed down to my family member, and although they are now out of prison and everyone is putting this whole ordeal behind them, I have to be completely honest and say I am really really struggling, mainly with my mental health and coming to terms with what has actually happened to my family over the past two years.
I find myself engaging in destructive behaviours more often and then feeling completely down for days at a time. I've tried to speak to doctors but no hope - they've told me to write a letter explaining my feelings so hopefully this will help in some way? It's almost like I'm suffering from ptsd but obviously without any official diagnosis I'm just guessing.
Sorry for the long post - any help any of you could recommend, or if you could recommend anything you have done or are doing to try and move on would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you


Member since
October 2021

14 posts

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 5:36pmReport post

First of all I'd like to say well done for being so brave speaking out about how you feel.

Virtual hug.

Im sorry I'm not much help I'm new to this journey.



Member since
November 2021

3 posts

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 6:06pmReport post

Thank you so much for both replies!

H22 I'm so sorry that you find yourself here. Everybody on this forum is so helpful and friendly - please don't suffer in silence throughout what you're going through. I find just having your feelings validated is enough sometimes. Sending big hugs to you too!

and thank you so much Lee! I've seen you post about these charities continuously so thank you ever so much for doing it again. I will be sure to reach out to them and pass them on to family members x


Member since
May 2021

153 posts

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 7:55pmReport post

Family tree - well done for reaching out. It is so important to share the way you are feeling. I spoke to my GP about self referring to local counseling services. I had a couple of months free counseling with a wonderful woman who listened and helped me process a lot. I would definitely recommend something like that if it's available in your area. Recognising you are not okay with how you are feeling is a huge step and I know the feeling of not knowing what to do about it xx wishing you all the best


Member since
November 2021

3 posts

Posted Tue November 16, 2021 10:27pmReport post

Thank you so much Cloud.
makes me feel better just knowing that someone else has felt the same as I am feeling right now and there is a light at the end of the tunnel - however far away it may be!
I will certainly look into doing this, thank you for taking the time to share what has worked for you, it means the world x