Family and Friends Forum

Struggling to deal with the rollercoaster

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Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Fri November 19, 2021 9:18amReport post

Hi guys,

I'm now at the point where I'm struggling with the rollercoaster of this whole thing. I finally get set in my head live your life, nothing can change the outcome and then something else happens to make me worry and stress and turn into an emotional wreck. We now have a feeling that my husband is going to be suspended from his job and I'm hoping it's with pay as his is the only wage in our house at the moment. We have 3 children and I'm already worrying about Christmas without a financial pressure as well.
I'm heartbroken this is happening I'm ready for this nightmare to be done. X

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Fri November 19, 2021 10:02amReport post

I'm sorry you're struggling, I totally get how you feel.

Have a look at the post about charities that Lee1969 has put up.

I'm hopeful they can help me as I'm also struggling at the moment.

Be kind to yourself and take things one day at a time this is an incredibly difficult situation not of your making.

I think it's even harder at this time of year,I'm facing up to my first Christmas without my son. I've also lost my job as a result of this so understand the financial pressures. Your children will still enjoy Christmas if it's done on a budget. I know that's not much consolation as parents but it's very true!

Sending love x


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Fri November 19, 2021 1:43pmReport post

Thank you Hun I will look.
so sorry to hear about your son. My husband has been suspended but on full pay (so not to bad really) I dread to think how different this Christmas will be for my children. Hopefully me and my husband can try and make it feel as normal as possible but extremely difficult when I have to supervise him all the time.
im exhausted on this whole situation, no one can ever prepare you for the rollercoaster of emotions involved in this.


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Fri November 19, 2021 3:06pmReport post

Hey Mum,

Hang in there! It will get better. Don't let your mind niggle at you with doubts and worries when you're positive. I got so many intrusive thoughts throughout the first few months and it drove me insane. This is a horrendous position to be in but even in the case of worst possible outcomes there are ways around things, that's what I tell myself even now.

Look after yourself xxxx

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Fri November 19, 2021 3:50pmReport post

I'm so glad you're financial situation is secure.

Take every little win you can!


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Fri November 19, 2021 4:40pmReport post

Thanks guys, I'll try and take your advice. It's so difficult to hold yourself together when you've got social getting involved in everything and poking their noses in things that doesn't concern them. I believe I'd find things so much easier if they just left us alone. I try to hold everything back and try to get on with things but every week they come and bring it all back up again. I believe my husband that the pictures were downloaded in error and I'm fed up of being made to feel guilty of sticking by his side.