Family and Friends Forum

Solicitor recommendations

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Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Hi, this is still all new and I'm still trying to come to terms with everything and have a million questions/thoughts /feelings.

One I wondering was if people are allowed to recommend solicitors/barristers, or is that against the forum rules.

Likewise experiences of good/fair /harsh judges.

I'm NW based and have seen a few other posters are too.

Posted Sat November 20, 2021 11:22pmReport post


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June 2021

473 posts

Hi Nms,

I am north west, there r some good solicitors out there but I would make sure u get to no them, I feel like ours was just he dealt with so many that I don't necessarily think he fought enough for us, but then we were legal aid I even though people say it shouldn't matter I think it did. Again our judge was tougher than I thought but then I guess they r so as its not a nice thing ( hope that makes sense ) he didn't take into account my hubby's good character, so I felt he was a bit harsh there. Read as many post as u can on here but there are no 2 cases the same with regards to out comes. From wat I can see its good to have references

Posted Mon November 22, 2021 9:19amReport post


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June 2021

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We are in a quiet part of Scotland and generally there are not so many specialist solicitors. However we put in a search for "Solicitors sex offences" and our region and it gave us a (fairly short) list to work through. We were then able to look at the websites and follow up with some phone calls before making a final decision about who to go with. We have been very pleased so far as the solicitor successfully challenged the number of images my husband has been charged with 'making' and this may well mean the difference between a custodial and community sentence.

The solicitor has also given us some excellent advice about trying to look beyond sentencing and rebuilding our lives, indicating a wealth of experience and commitment to working with this group of offenders. I know not everyone has been so lucky.

Posted Mon November 22, 2021 7:23pmReport post


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April 2021

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we are NW based and we went with Olliers in Manchester.

They were recommended by Safer Lives when we spoke to them, and particularly as they do a lot of work from the point of arrest so we felt reassured that it wouldn't just be waiting/wondering what we could do.

Lee is right, that it's definitely worth seeing who you click with. Equally, a solicitor based in your city/town is likely to be used to dealing with your arresting police force, which can hopefully go in your favour.

Posted Mon November 22, 2021 9:03pmReport post


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Thank you for your replies, I have had a Google but am still a little over whelmed by it all and seeing good experiences and bad I suppose it has scared me a little more (sounds soft I know)

My oh qualifies for legal aid if just his salary taken into account but we don't qualify if mine is, so I'm not entirely sure where we stand on it.

He is also not keen on talking to anyone yet until the police have said what they find, would you recommend waiting or finding a solicitor now?

Thank you all for taking the time to read and reply

Posted Mon November 22, 2021 10:33pmReport post


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July 2021

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Hey, I asked a solicitor about legal aid with my wages being above the threshold and he said it wouldn't matter because we aren't married. Xx

Posted Tue November 23, 2021 10:30amReport post


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Hi, we've had the call to go for a "chat", it's like the knock all over again.

Has anyone stuck with their duty solicitor, we've researched his firm and they do deal with this type of offence but in a little worried with him being the duty solicitor but not sure if that's relevant after having never had anything to do with the police before.

We are nw and hoping he gets legal aid (we are married and I'm over threshold but he is at his parents house so wondering if that means they don't take my wage into account, after all it's not my offense)

Thank you in advance (and also thank you all for your posts and advice on a daily basis)

Posted Sat April 23, 2022 8:29amReport post


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Posted Sat April 23, 2022 3:52pm
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post


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December 2021

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We have stuck with the duty solicitor up to now, seems to know their stuff and has assisted with getting work devices back quickly and answers any queries we send by email within the day. Partner not entitled to legal aid but expecting to be sacked from job very soon so will be entitled :( happy with them so far fingers crossed

Posted Sat April 23, 2022 10:10pmReport post


Member since
November 2021

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Thank you once again for your help everyone x

Posted Sun April 24, 2022 3:08amReport post


Member since
November 2021

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Are we allowed to mention solicitor names or companies?

We have found one we like but wondered if anyone had used them/had any feedback on them.

They say they deal with this all the time but I am guessing lots do now after seeing the increased numbers.

Also he said that magistrates may sentence as so many cases, had anyone experienced this or been told similar?

Posted Tue May 3, 2022 8:12amReport post


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Posted Tue May 3, 2022 5:21pm
Edited Tue October 24, 2023 9:12amReport post

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