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November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 4:52pmReport post

So just had the officer on the phone saying theyre now extending my husbands bail weekly as his devices have still not been checked and waiting list has gone from 18 weeks to 25 weeks, as for the risk assessment from my wonderful sw she has informed the police she can't determine if he's safe or not as she don't know what's on his devices!!, what exactly have we spent the last 3 months doing a risk assessment when she wouldn't give an answer any way. I'm an emotional wreck right now. So now we're looking at February. Anyone else had this? In all honesty I don't think it's a good idea for me to come face to face with my sw again can I request a change? I know for sure my kids do not want to face her again.


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June 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 5:43pmReport post

Hi love,

I am so sorry to hear this, u no how I feel about them, its a bloody nightmare, thinking of u. My girls aren't keen on ours either, my eldest is counting the days until she is 18 to be off the plan xxxx


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 5:52pmReport post

Hi Dawn14

Bless her, I don't blame her. My kids all have a way to go until they're 18. Not sure I could deal with them for 13 years lol (youngest is 5). Just really has struck a nerve with me as she knew she didn't know what was on devices so why drag us through everything she did just to come out with that answer. At least I won't have any more home visits from her (hopefully) just team meetings where I'm requesting she has no alone access to my children, I want safeguarding teachers in the room with them too. I'm now going to look into the safeguarding course. I really wanted my husband home for Christmas and my kids are devastated.

Edited Wed November 24, 2021 5:52pm

Grace Hush

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August 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 5:59pmReport post

I'm sorry this has happened. It's an awful enough situation in itself without false hope and information being given.

You can indeed request a change of social worker. Do so in writing to ensure a record of the request.

I have to mention that if they've kept bail condition beyond the initial 28 days they need something substantial to go on. If they've done so beyond 3 months it will have been authorised by a court.

Try keep an open mind that they may have already found something on one device but are waiting it may not be the case but it's good to be prepared for worst case..

My son is now 10 months on bail. Again this may not be the case for you but prepare for the worst and hope for the best.. I too was given false promises that he could come home only to have them repeatedly dashed. I feel that made the whole thing so much worse for me. I'd advise you take anything you're told with a (large) pinch of salt unless its provided in writing. Xx


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 6:11pmReport post

Hi Grace Hush,

this is now the second time his bail has been extended. So far we just had a phone call and an email to appeal the extension (although we don't see the point as it will just be rejected anyway). The officer said the devices still haven't been checked and there's a delay 25 weeks apparently.

im now at the point that I won't trust what the police or sw says, me and my husband are both determined to do what we need to do to get him home. He has always said he downloaded the pics in error on a porn site, pictures were blurred and he clicked them to later find out they was bad (he had no idea these were then saved to his phone) when he realised he deleted the whole folder (iioc amongst legal porn) without looking at them. He has been completely honest with the police and sw about the whole thing. he never intentionally looked for these pictures he was pretty much set up.


Member since
October 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 6:46pmReport post

Mum of 3,you must get a solicitor,a good one and a for them to get a good computer forensics person.My friend found a really good example of the latter,and we think the charges will be dropped.I wish I could name the expert he found.If your husband did not download the images deliberately then no crime has been commited.If they were deleeted,there is no "possession" and "making" is difficult for them to prove.

Sarah ??

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January 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 8:39pmReport post


The amount of times we were told it'll only be extended for 2 weeks, 4 weeks or whatever they said.... there's really no point in the legislation regarding bail extension. They just create rules and mislead the magistrates for extension. Anyway. We were 15 months on bail each time being told another (insert random number) weeks.

As much as possible carry on with you girls. I know my children helped me through. Just being a needed mum made things bearable.

As for social care. I'd asked them to call a meeting and set out the plan for the work. Get them to be extremely specific on sessions and timescales before the next review. For example, I got 6 weekly sessions written into my cin plan. The more specific the better for you!



Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 9:28pmReport post

Hi Sarah??

after reading his application for the bail it was yet another lie. It hasn't been extended week by week it's actually been extended until June. I'm surprised they're allowed to lie surely legally they have to do things by the book.

Sorry, what sessions are you talking about? We have a teams meeting with sw and safeguarding teacher at girls school maybe once a month. Everything in the plan is what me and my husband have done ourselves sw haven't gave any requests or advice in what we can do to help things along (for him to come home).

my husband admitted he had a drinking problem and was extremely depressed and has now seemed help for both of these. Just seems like no matter what we do he's a monster who shouldn't be around my children which is heartbreaking to watch. He's a brilliant dad and the girls miss him dearly as do I (he's my rock). I'm literally seeing him hitting rock bottom as he's now suspended from his job, he literally feels like he's lost everything and this is like the tip of the iceberg for him.


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June 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 9:44pmReport post

Hi mumof3girls,

U sound so like me, my hubby is/was my rock and he has been an amazing dad but ss just see a monster and they r all evil, they don't no our oh mine have maybe spoken to him for an hour at most out of the last 12 months and the other 1 wasn't any better. It so annoys me how they expect us to do all these courses but I think it's them that should be doing the Lucy faithful courses not us xx although I am glad I did it xx


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 9:51pmReport post


she saw him weekly but every meeting he broke down in tears, he's a broken man. Its very difficult to watch and watching the hurt in my kids every time dad has to leave is heartbreaking. It's quite difficult as he didn't go looking for the pictures it was all in error so if he took the courses available we're not sure if that will be a good idea or make it look like he's lying (why do it if he apparently didn't have a problem, if you get what I mean). We have agreed that maybe he had a bit of an addiction to porn but not sure how to help him. I am going to do safeguarding course not that I doubt him but I suppose it's always good to have the knowledge. Most of our issue is we haven't got money to waste on courses.

I thought social services was suppose to support us to look after the children yet mine has given us no advice, absolutely useless


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 10:08pmReport post

Hi lee1969

thank you, I will give them all a look. I have already pointed out the modules for him to start later. I have found a safeguarding one that was free unless wasn't completed then it's charged. I've said to him that we need to do everything we can to prove to them he's safe. I don't like seeing my husband so broken.


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 10:38pmReport post

Completely Hun thank you.

he feels completely ashamed, embarrassed and guilty. I have told him to ring the helpline and I will keep trying to push him too (although he will only do it when he is ready). I think he feels like everyone thinks he's this Monster the police are trying to show him as, I'm sure once he speaks to others who are not so quick to judge it may give him the boost he needs to keep fighting.
he was so low tonight I've had to message his mum behind his back to get her to check on him. I'm so worried he is so low I wouldn't want him to do anything silly. Unfortunately the police and ss don't see the damage they do to our men by messing them around like this.


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Wed November 24, 2021 11:04pmReport post

He has approached our gp but they wasn't very helpful. They gave him some anti depressants and a list of helplines and said if you want to get better you will. I will be sure to let him know that there is help about thank you.

Edited Wed November 24, 2021 11:04pm

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 4:18amReport post

I do feel so sad for you ladies, I can see children's safety has to come first, but how families are suffering as they wait SO long for these investigations to be finalised is awful.
it is so very cruel to put them through this especially young children who don't understand what's happening. It's so very very cruel. X


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 8:19amReport post

Hi smile through tears, I think what have upset my older two more (13 and 14) is that our SW made out they was my daughter's friend (obviously to try and get answers out of them) now they're not just upset about their dad not coming home but they feel extremely betrayed and why shouldn't they. it's all good SW doing this but it does more damage than good to the children who don't get the results they want. My daughter's now want nothing to do with her although we have a cin plan ongoing so I've got to try and arrange for a safeguarding teacher to be included in any meetings at school. I feel so sorry for my children.


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 9:37amReport post

I'm already on it, found the course that you suggested for safeguarding and my husband has already started the modules last night (is there a way to prove he has done these (certificate or something at the end?)

As for the plan, I have no idea where to start with that or what it entails, do you know anywhere I can find info on this?

Sorry for all the questions, I must seem like a right pain in the bottom xx


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 10:07amReport post

Thank you so much x

What do I know

Member since
July 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 3:48pmReport post

have you got a copy of the risk assessment? You are entitled to this so if you don't request it. Also helps to know what type of risk assessment has been carried out? There should be some form of conclusion with or without the info on his devices as they can determine what risk he is now but also the safeguards you have in place, for example no unsupervised contact etc. or if they stick to we can't determine his risk then what about you as the protective parent. This is where a safety plan will come is useful. This is what they need to assess.


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 6:50pmReport post

Hi what do I know it's took 5 weeks of constant nagging to get my assessment to say I'm safe to supervise him with the children. I've had no paperwork about risk assessment and not even a copy of the children in need plan or the minutes from either meeting (we've had 2 so far). Thank you for telling me that though I will get in contact with her and request an email copy of this. Also I've noticed that when originally questioned it was 1 cat a and 1 cat b but on the oic request form to extend bail this has now gone up to 3 cat a and 1 cat b yet n9ne of the devices have been checked yet, so I'm confused why they've changed. Would it be worth questioning or am I best to just leave it be and not contact the officer?


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 7:22pmReport post

Our first cin was 20th October, second one was 17th November, I've had no paperwork regarding any of these. The social worker hasn't even given me an email address all I have is her mobile number which she never answers anyway.

unfortunately my husband never took a solicitor when he was took in (I so wish he used a bit of common sense then). We're now trying to get one sorted so we can have someone putting pressure on the police to get this done. I'm just puzzled as to how it changed when nothing had been checked.


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November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 7:40pmReport post

The same day Hun. The done the search took him with devices and then released him on bail. The officer called yesterday and said he was still waiting for the checks in the police digital forensic unit.


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November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 8:00pmReport post

They checked for an email address on his mobile whilst they was here doing search then took him in. He said by the time he was at station he was questioned within an hour or so.


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November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 8:03pmReport post

They have about 9 devices only 2 is his. From what he says they'll only be photos/videos on the hard drive of 1 of the devices as he deleted them as soon as he realised they had been downloaded.


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November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 8:12pmReport post

Oh great, thanks Hun. I'm dreading the outcome of this. I believe him but I know there could be a few on the hard drive as he had no idea they was downloading.


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November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 8:23pmReport post

Yep exactly the same with my husband Hun lol. I've known him 15 years and I know he definitely isn't capable of such a thing, it's not in his nature at all. X


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 9:24pmReport post

Hi mumof3girls,

Just reading some of your comments and it really struck me, we have been having core group meetings and now cin meetings and we have never had any minutes for the last 11 months of our meetings, not that its any use to u but it makes me feel better. I am ready to lose it at my sw, my back has gone and she wanted to come today and I said no can we leave it till next week, she rang today being persistent that she comes tomorrow when I said no can we do Monday she said I don't work Mondays and I need to see the kids before Wednesday as its in the cin plan, I told her I always adhere but I can't help being ill can I. She had the cheek to say she saw my message yesterday but only decided to ring me today, if that was us doing it to them we would be the bad guys, she never replies to my text messages until she wants something. They piss me right off the way they treat us


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June 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 10:28pmReport post

Hi Lee,

I no that lovely I no its that time of the month I don't have problem with her coming up if I'm not well then she has to deal with it, it's not my fault she no longer works a Monday. My hubby actually brought it up at the last meeting about the minutes and her reply was I haven't had time, I appreciate they r busy but it's not our fault she isn't doing her job properly. See I get to emotional so I no that I get angry or will get angry because I have been made to feel like a crap parent for so long that this is where I'm getting my ptsd from not from wat my hubby did if that makes sense. I am sorry I rant about ss but they have just made my life hell and it's not fair I have done nothing wrong. You give me the strength to fight back ( wrong word I no ) but I'm just so stressed right now I feel like wats the point, and maybe I should just be grateful for wat we have


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 10:51pmReport post


I wonder if we have the same sw lol. I'm now creating my own safety plan as suggested by lee1969 and on the next cin meeting I'm making it clear the steps I want followed. They're my children, I can protect them and I will protect them. I am demanding the sw can see my children at school but a safeguarding teacher must be present for it. I have 3 children in 2 different schools and haven't even met 1 of the safeguarding teachers. The one from my eldest girls school is absolutely amazing and really supportive. My daughter actually asked if she could be our social worker as she like her. I'm also requesting that all minutes are to be emailed to me within the 10 days not by post as I'm still waiting for my assessment that has taken nearly 6 weeks. As someone who is suppose to be putting the kids first, leaving parents in the dark is not the best way to protect them. If my husband failed the risk assessment then surely the responsible thing to do is inform me of the risks she thinks exists so me (as a supervisor) can keep checks on these risks.


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 11:04pmReport post

Hi Lee & mumof3,

To be honest with u Lee, I rang the family helpline and they weren't helpful, I have had a tough few months of being ill, but reading all ur post makes me strong and then I have a blip and feel like I don't no if I have the strength to fight. I am gonna step everything up after Christmas when I can get my head clear

But I would really appreciate all ur help when I am ready


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 11:07pmReport post

Hi mumof3,

Sorry I have shorten ur name, I'm in the northwest so I don't no if that's by u, there only 3 people I trust and that's the lovely nurse in my docs who was assigned to the family when we went into ccp, the school nurse who although we have had our disagreements has always been honest with me and my hubby's po she has been amazing


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 11:08pmReport post

Dawn14, im always here if you need to rant Hun. X


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu November 25, 2021 11:36pmReport post

Hi mumof3,

I just feel like I'm the only one who I'd falling to pieces, I wish I had the lioness in me but I've been to scared by ss for so long, I walk the walk but can't talk the talk, like I no I need to speak to them in a rational manner but I'm so angry at how they have made me feel that I don't no if I can stay calm. And thank u I don't no if u r on mums net I am if u rant to chat, I feel we r both going through the same hurdles if that makes sense


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 1:59amReport post

Hi Lee,

No she hasn't, it's funny u should say that because I was thinking before about the lovely lady at the docs and seeing if she could be my voice xx thank u for ur help and advice I will look into them, I think because I had a bad experience with the family people, ( felt like they were on the side of ss ) that it's put me off talking to any one else


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 9:17amReport post


I'm not on mumsnet but will look into it as soon as I get a minute. Although I may come a crossed that I'm managing well I still break into pieces when I'm alone, it's a lot of emotions and struggles were left dealing with and in all honesty this system isn't fair on us at all. We are the innocent ones yet were left to prove ourselves as parents whilst having our life's crashing down around us. Like lee said try the charities and reach out for that support if you need it Hun. Sending you hugs hun. I'm sure that lioness is in there somewhere x


Member since
October 2020

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 1:24pmReport post


I'm a year past the knock with nothing done. No devices back and no charges brought against him. I've been told what they do know so far though this will be the 2nd Christmas we're going through this.


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June 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 6:11pmReport post

Hi Lee and mumof3girls,

I just want to say a massive thank u for letting me rant last night, I hardly slept due to some news that I thought would be another black mark against me but for the first time in 11 months I feel like the sw and I had a really good chat and she actually listened when I said I feel like they have given me ptsd. Thank u ladies


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 7:48pmReport post

Oh Rusty123,

that sounds horrible. What a long wait for you all. We've just approached 3 months and it's been hell with the waiting game, I really feel for you Hun. Hope you haven't got much longer to wait.


it wasn't a problem at all hun, we all need to stick together, so glad you had a positive chat today. My sw asked to see my husband and has said the risk assessment hasn't been completed so I'm just so confused right now. Good news is we've got a solicitor ready to help us take on the next step.


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 9:15pmReport post

Hi mumof3girls,

That's great in 1 way, as u r only 3 months in I would definitely do everything Lee has said in doing safety plan, I think my head has been too mashed to do it, or see wat happens after Christmas, honestly I've not slept all night fighting with everyone in my head, that's from the sw to my hubby to anyone who has made me feel like shit, I texted the sw to say she could come today and she asked how things were and I told her straight funny I didn't hear from her until she turned up bey I held my own and did it in a reasonable manner lol, which considering I was telling her all sorts lol throught the night in my head I did well. ( them things weren't nice lol )


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 9:55pmReport post

See the lioness was there you just needed a nudge lol. So happy you managed to get it all out. My safety plan is all wrote up just need hubby to contribute his part. We both have agreed we need to be strong and do all the courses etc to help get him back home. I'm a bit dumb wjen it comes to education etc bit he's agreed to help me as much as he can with the safeguarding course. That's the only reason I haven't enrolled in it before. I'm first to admit I'm a bit dumb lol. I was scared of making a fool of myself but I believe it's not video calling or anything like that (at least I hope lol)


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 10:11pmReport post

Yes it is hun. I'm sure once I start it I will be well away and I think he knows I will be fine but he's just giving me that little support.

he is doing the modules and we have seen you recommend a video that we are going to watch together when we get a few minutes and also looking into getting a few books you recommended. Sw is giving him details for a councillor (although we know how slow that can be). We finally got a solicitor sorted for when/if he is called back again. So been a bit of a positive day today.


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Fri November 26, 2021 10:59pmReport post

Yes I believe so. We're not in the financial position to pay for one. We did have a bit of bad news regarding the case someone we fell our with accused my husband of grooming years ago and that's all now been brought into his case. Her mum was a little obsessed with accusing men of this and even accused the ice cream man. We found out today that someone had been to question her regarding it. We're just hoping justice is done rightly on this and there's nothing we can do to change it. This sort of gave us a kick up the bottom to get a solicitor sorted ready and were now prepared to fight for my husband, our kids and our marriage. Safety plan is all done and I'm enrolling on the course tomorrow. Will I be able to start straight away or do I need to wait?

Edited Fri November 26, 2021 11:00pm


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 11:36pmReport post

My husband was being targeted by one of the girls friends. Being rammed with a bike and called some really sick names and what not. He feared for our safety and reported it to the police. This of course was later dragged up by the police. We never thought they'd hunt her down and question her. It's a shame the police didn't look into all the times I reported her to the police for targeting us for all different things one threaten to tie my family up and throw stones at us all including my children who was both under 6 and they constantly refused to help. Yet again the police only see what they want to see.


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June 2021

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Posted Sat November 27, 2021 12:56amReport post

Hi mumof3girls,

I am in the middle of doing the prevent and safeguarding course, it's supposed to be 9 weeks but with me having a bad couple of months being ill, I have like 1 full section to do and 1 question on another section and then I'm done. I was a level 3 trained teaching assistant but I've still struggled with this course but then I am more a practical then a theory person, so don't worry xx


Member since
November 2021

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Posted Sat November 27, 2021 1:05amReport post

Thanks Dawn14

I'm going to sign up tomorrow and try and I can always seek help from my mum and sister as both have done the training for their employment. It needs to be done and I can't keep putting it off as I won't get anywhere.