Family and Friends Forum

Please can anyone advise

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Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 2:13pmReport post

Hi there!

I do not live with my partner, and have no plans to, but he has been visiting us and I live in a housing association property. My neighbours have found out about his offending and have reported me to my HA. They called me this morning and were lovely and said we were well within our rights etc. I am so worried, and super paranoid that they may all hang up on me and try and get me evicted. Has anyone had any experience with this at all?
many thanks

blue x


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 2:36pmReport post

Hi there

What an unpleasant situation for you. However unless your partner poses a real and significant risk to these neighbours your landlord won't have any grounds to evict you. I'm glad the housing association has been in touch to reassure you but if you need further reassurance check your tenancy agreement. In my experience local authority and housing associations explore all possible avenues to ensure tenancies are maintained. I am sure they will have spoken to your neighbours to explain people's rights and hopefully that will be enough to stop this nastiness. However if the situation does not improve you could ask your housing officer to arrange some mediation to resolve it. Keep a note of any further incidents so you can give the housing officer reliable information.

Hope this settles down soon for you.


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 12:46amReport post

Hi ladies

Thank yous very much for your replies. I was a bit shocked earlier. Where I live has always been my safe haven and my escape, as no one knew anything. Now they know it shook me, but I have turned my upset into fight and I called my partners probation officer.
She also reassured me I would not lose my house, and said they are just silly uninformed people who have no idea about my partner, or how he's being managed, and that if they do anything to upset me she'll make them look like idiots! She explained also I needed to be a little selfish to my neighbours and let them know about my children's rights to see their father.
I guess this is just another hurdle along the way and I have been kind and supportive to my neighbours who are all a lot younger than me. So I hope they don't forget that.
blue xx