Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2021

60 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 3:32pmReport post

Well this is a journey I never ever thought I'd be facing. I'm struggling mentally, but can't get a GP appointment.. they want to do it over the phone.

My heads all over the place, my partner is adamant he's innocent and has no idea where this has all come from, the police haven't disclosed anything either.

SS are battering away every bit of my private life, can't understand why I'm still supporting my partner even though he is in prison currently on recall, there trying to scare me into having no contact at all with my partner and want me to belive he is guilty and he is manipulating me into believing he could be innocent.

Iv tried my best with SS and told them he won't be coming to my address or having any contact with my kids until this is all over and I know for sure if he is guilty or innocent, but this isn't enough. They don't believe I will stick to my word as they think my partner will coerce me into letting him back.. he is not the monster they are making him out to be!!

We're only 4 months in but no word from anyone about the stage they're at, it's all too much and I just wish I could run away and come back in a year where there will be an end in sight.. I'm so scared that people with find out as we have so many friends but they won't take kindly to this arrest and will have him as guilty, as i did before all this!!

Sorry for the long.. I'm just so lonely and feel like I've hit rock bottom xx

Edited Thu November 25, 2021 3:33pm


Member since
September 2021

60 posts

Posted Thu November 25, 2021 4:54pmReport post

Thank you Lee,

I've been too scared up to present about seeing the GP incase SS then use my mental health against me. So the time iv plucked up courage they have refused to see me and wanted me to discuss over the phone which I didn't feel comfortable with!! It's soul destroying, our lives have been ripped apart,and the only thing I seem to be getting is judgement when I have done nothing wrong!!! There's been no support from anywhere, and SS don't make it any better.. they just use threatening tactics to scare me into believing they will take action.. action for what exactly??! Talking to someone currently in prison who isn't having any contact with my kids and who I keep making clear won't until I know the outcome of this investigation.. just an awful situation which I wouldn't wish on anybody.. I will have a look through the charities as I'm getting to a point of desperation. So glad I found this forum it has been a god send xx