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Anyone else feel they are not listened to?

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Member since
October 2020

172 posts

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 1:59pmReport post

my health visitor, school and social worker are seriously testing my patience.
my youngest is not thriving at school he won't eat or drink he's perfectly normal at home and some days he never stops eating. He doesn't poop at school which they think is an issue as he's holding it in but will wait till he's back home (which some children and adults do). According to health visitor my child's not putting enough weight on. He also has cradle cap (very tiny bit which is hard to see unless u play and part his hair which they say needs treating They also want him potty trained now which he isn't ready for as he gets upset if u put pants on him. They wanted to start him with it today but I've said to wait till he breaks up from nursery for the Christmas holidays and myself and his grandparents will work on it but no they said right away. I spent an hour at parents evening with school I then had 30 mins on the phone with health visitor today and then the social worker. Whatever I said was ignored or just skated around.
thing is I have a core meeting on Monday and as from the last core meeting I'd not heard from my Heath worker in months then got assigned a new one but again I didn't hear anything from her till today. It's like I've got a core meeting and they've done bugger all or been in contact so are rushing and pushing the issues all at once to make them look good.
I'm a working single mum which the phone calls were during work time and no matter how many times I said I'm at work they still carried on talking. I'm sorry to say I lost my temper with the new health visitor about her not being in contact until now. Her reasoning being she was new to my case when I said that u was appointed to me at the last core meeting weeks ago she still insisted she was newer than that. Also this health visitor doesn't work Mondays so I feel she needed to get a report done on her part as there was no input from that side at the last core meeting. I've not even met her yet and I don't like her nor do I certainly not trust her which is the same for any of the authorities.
sorry for the rant


Member since
June 2021

472 posts

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 6:08pmReport post

Hi Rusty123,

I'm sorry u r having such a horrible time, it took them months to listen to me, and after getting some stressing news yesterday I was panicking about my meeting tonight with my sw and do u no wat for the first time in 11 months I had the best conversation with her and I think she finally understands the stress I'm under xx I hope they start listening to u as I no aat u mean when they r rushing to get their reports in before the meetings it's so bloody annoying

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2483 posts

Posted Sat November 27, 2021 7:37amReport post

hi Rusty - I think it's awful to say "potty training starts right away" is a bit off. Each child is different and needs a different approach when it comes to potty training and also children often take the lead.

Firstly let your boy choose his potty. I found involving toys is a good start. Have the potty nearby so he can see it all the time, encourage him to sit his toys on it as they need a 'poo or wee'. A book to look at helps too when he sits on his throne...... keeping it all relaxed and calm.

This is my professional head on!!!!! Plus as a mum and granny!

Edited Sat November 27, 2021 7:42am