Family and Friends Forum

How do the media know?

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Member since
November 2021

1 post

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 2:47pmReport post

Hi all.

my husband was arrested for viewing and distributing iioc. We don't have a court date yet.
Now the shock has died down a little, my main fear is it being reported in the media, whether local paper or article online.
I play an active role in our community and I know my family would never understand if I were to stick by him. I'm finding it hard as it it without that layer of media fear too.
how do they find out? Are there any steps I can take to try and keep the whole thing anonymous. I would rather take it to my grave.


Member since
January 2020

95 posts

Posted Tue November 30, 2021 1:31amReport post

I would love to know how they find out too. When my partner went to magistrates court there was absolutely no one there in the court as Covid restrictions were tight. It was printed a couple of weeks later in the local rag. I just wonder do they ring the court and see what cases were on that day.
blue xx


Member since
July 2021

98 posts

Posted Tue November 30, 2021 9:34amReport post

Hi Clemence_Pip,

When I spoke with our police force, they did say that their policy is usually to pass cases to the media if it is public interest. As Lee said, I think its hit and miss - depends on categories, volume, how long offending has been taking place etc. Sorry if this is not good news, but try not to worry as I hear it is 50/50.

Sarah ??

Member since
January 2021

177 posts

Posted Tue November 30, 2021 8:24pmReport post


I've just been through the press experience. From what I've found out a free lance reporter usually checks in with the courts. They can sit in court but in my case they weren't there. They were given transcripts and the police released a photo.

The fear of reporting consumed me for the whole time on bail. As much as I understand your anxiety I found it wasn't as bad as expected. People have read it yes but most are too scared to bring up the subject or have just felt for us/offered support. It's old news 3 weeks on. I held my head high on the school run the next day and no one uttered a word. Not what I expected.

I work within social care in my community so it's been tough however I've done nothing wrong and need to remember this.



Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 3:45pmReport post

Is there any way you can stop the police from posting it on their Facebook?
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