Family and Friends Forum

Second interview - what to expect?

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My son got the knock about 6 months ago, he wasn't formally arrested as he cooperated but was interviewed and devices seized, then RUI. He's just been called for his second interview, we have a solicitor on board who will accompany him - the info from the solicitor's PA is that the police will give disclosure to the solictor on the morning of the interview. Does this sound correct? And can we expect him to be charged on the day?

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 3:15pmReport post

Upset mum

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June 2020

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Hi Lola53

As Lee said second interview is usually if they find more evidence then it's the wait for them to pass on to the cps to see what the next stages would be if RUI there is no time scale so the wait just goes on and on as many of us here know to well

We are 18 months in his plea hearing is next week unless its postponed again!

I hope your son is ok xx

Posted Fri November 26, 2021 8:11pmReport post


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May 2021

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Thank you lovely ladies - that's really helpful.

Lots of love xx

Posted Sat November 27, 2021 8:02amReport post


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May 2021

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Hi Lee1969

The police told me that they wanted my husband to come in for a second interview, as the devices have been checked, after that it goes to the cps. I am a witness as I found the memory stick, I am not sure if I will be asked to go to court but if I don,t get called will the police tell me the charges as I am currently divorcing him and not sure if they would tell a witness/ ex wife because of confidentiality. I want closure and I want to know what they found on the devices so my daughter has all the information to see if she wants to continue seeing him? My husband has stopped communicating with me and I know he would lie if I asked him anyway. I am also worried that if he goes to prison while we're selling the house I might not be able to get the paperwork signed and I will still be in this limbo situation.



Posted Wed December 15, 2021 9:52pmReport post


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May 2021

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Hi Lee1969

Yes I made a statement, the oic took my email address and she said that she would update me, whether they will or not I will have to see. I don,t know how long it will take for the cps to decide whether they have enough to prosecute obviously next year. Yes we all want closure, I need to know what has destroyed my current life.


Posted Thu December 16, 2021 9:44pmReport post


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May 2021

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Thank you for your advice Lee, I will see what next year brings x

Posted Fri December 17, 2021 7:41pmReport post


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December 2021

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Partner has been told he needs to go in for a second interview as they've recovered images from phone. He was interviewed voluntarily first time, was not charged, arrested or cautioned. Has no conditions to stick to.
Why would they not just charge him if they have evidence ? Why another interview?

Posted Sat January 1, 2022 10:36amReport post


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December 2021

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So it's not good then that they've asked for second interview? I assumed it was slightly more positive as they haven't arrested/cautioned him etc yet.

Posted Sat January 1, 2022 11:31amReport post


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September 2021

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All interviews are under caution unless you are a witness. Regardless if he has been arrested or not, he will have had it read to him at the start of the interview.

Please do not see anything as less serious because he hasn't been arrested. I did this mistake on a PWITS charge.. just remember the police are not your friends, and if you are seen st compliant there's no need to waste there resources and money and custody time arresting someone if you are going to walk in anyway, so in a way your just doing there job for them not coming to find you xx

Posted Sat January 1, 2022 12:01pmReport post


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December 2021

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Thanks for your reply. I was just trying to find a some slight positivity or reassurance from a truly awful time I'm having. I just want this nightmare to be over but we are still in early days and have a very long way to go. This is all new to be and never had any police dealings

Posted Sat January 1, 2022 12:10pmReport post


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December 2021

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They said viewing/possessing cat c IIOC and took his devices. They rang to say they had recovered images. My question is if they have the images that is evidence so why a second interview why not just charge? X

Posted Sat January 1, 2022 12:19pmReport post


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December 2021

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Thanks Lee. I hope and pray he's told me everything - he says he was looking at adult porn various reasons, became desensitised and saw some teen porn, under 18s, decided to look, shared (distribution) some images on social media over 1 month. He told police he'd be looking at porn but never saved/downloaded/negative to possesuin.
Police contacted him to say they'd recovered images ....

Posted Sat January 1, 2022 11:37pmReport post


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December 2021

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Thanks Lee, he's still unsure if he had an addiction or not but not had an urge to look at anything illegal or legal since. He's having therapy.
When you press share on social media it's classed as distribution I believe but never saved to device, I'm not too sure with tech either but I believe if downloaded they would have been saved on device? I'm not too sure

Posted Sun January 2, 2022 8:01pmReport post


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October 2021

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All images on any web page that is viewed are saved in the computer's "cache".This is the problem.The prosecution has to prove "knowingly and deliberately downloading" so if images were sent unsoliciited to one by a third party and then they were deleted it is impossible to prove "possession" and difficult to prove "making".

Posted Mon January 3, 2022 6:49amReport post


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May 2021

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The OIC has told me that that after my husbands second interview, he gave no defence and it will be referred to the cps for a charging decision to be made. They said that this will take a few weeks to be reviewed, hope to get my divorce sorted and has sold before it goes to court if possible.

Posted Sat January 15, 2022 8:52pmReport post


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December 2021

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they found the viewed images so waiting for CPS now, 'making IIOC 30 images across all 3 settings'

He swears he scrolled past anything other than Cat C but 1, they are still in cache 2, I'll never know whether this is the truth or not 3, he will be charged for it regardless, 4, it doesn't matter it's all still wrong and illegal :(

Posted Tue January 18, 2022 9:00pmReport post


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October 2021

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Jayjay,your husband must use a computer forensic expert to examine the SFR produced by the police.

Posted Wed January 19, 2022 12:59pm
Edited Wed January 19, 2022 12:59pmReport post


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December 2021

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Minzaal what's that please?
he admitted he'd been looking if that makes a difference?

Posted Sat January 22, 2022 1:27pmReport post


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May 2021

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Hi Just thought I would post an update, I am going through a divorce at the moment and found that my husband had been to the house and took all of my baby pictures and early year pictures of my daughter. I went to his mums house and demanded half of the pictures back as he never mentioned that he was going to take all of the pictures or asked if I wanted any. He also mentioned that it was all my fault and that if I had just asked for a divorce and not called the police it would have not affect anyone e. He also told me that it would in the papers next week, however the police haven't told me this and I don't know whether this has already gone to court without me realising this. I have emailed the oic to ask her what is happening. I need to prepare my family if it it going into the press. Nightmare,wish this would end.



Posted Mon April 18, 2022 10:19pmReport post


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July 2021

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Hi Bereft,

how totally selfish of him, and how disgusting his mental abuse to you. That would have been convienent for him, divorce him and say nothing so he could continue what he was doing. Makes me furious

Ring the court, get hold of customer service and ask if the case has been heard.

my ex's court date got cancelled and i had no way of finding out the new one so I called the court, they checked and gave me the new date. I want to go for closure as I found out he was telling me lies, being deceitful and didn't want me seeing the evidence.

Good luck xx

Posted Tue April 19, 2022 12:13pmReport post


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May 2021

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Hi LostandConfused

The OIC contacted me today to say that the CPS have come back with 5 offences of making and distributing and extreme pornography (whatever that is) and he is in court on Thursday. My ex didn't tell me that so I think I will go and see what exactly the charges are as I don't think the police are allowed to tell me anymore as were divorcing and I know he want.Is the first time going to court just to say name, address and whether your guilty, will they say the charges eg no of Cat A etc or does this happen at another court case. I like you want closure and to know what the sentence is and yes he is still in complete denial.



Posted Tue April 19, 2022 11:37pmReport post


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May 2021

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Hi Lee1969

I went to the plea hearing, they read out the categories and numbers etc, he has now got to go to the Crown court for sentencing.



Posted Fri April 22, 2022 8:40pmReport post

Quick exit