Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2019

89 posts

Posted Mon November 29, 2021 7:42pmReport post

Sooo it's been three months since my husband was sent away.

The past three months have been spent fighting an appeal process.

This week it comes to an end.

I hope for good news but dread the worse.

My question is both of us really wanted a third child? Our second was born during investigation and social services closed the case on both our kids and haven't been involved since.

Can we even think about having another or shall we give up on that idea?

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Tue November 30, 2021 8:06amReport post

Good luck with the appeal, I hope it's good news.

You can absolutely have another child if you wish. That doesn't mean it will be easy. From what I understand whilst he is on the sex offenders register he will be monitored by authorities including social services. It's not a situation I've been in so can't really offer advice from experience but it seems very hit and miss how social services will handle your case.

Worse case scenario I would say is no unsupervised access with your children which would be very challenging with a newborn so it's something to consider.

If he has done or does rehabilitation work and engages with programmes etc this should help with understanding his behaviour and ensuring he is safe which social services will hopefully take on board.

Wishing you all the best, whatever you decide.