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Primary school teacher job

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Member since
October 2019

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Posted Thu December 2, 2021 12:22pmReport post

Hi everyone,

So my daughter's head teacher has encouraged me to apply for a job as an KS1 LSA. She knows the whole situation, we are still waiting for cps, charges and court. He doesn't live at home as we are following SS wishes but eventually if there are no surprises along the way I will want him home.

My question is are there any teachers on here that can share their knowledge?

Thanks so much. x

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

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Posted Thu December 2, 2021 1:38pmReport post

You do not legally have to disclose but it is good practice and often contractually expected to do so.

As the headteacher already knows in your case, it shouldn't be an issue.

Worst case scenario - publicity when charged that is linked to you and parents and/or collegaues are unhappy that you work there. LADO may become involved to ensure you are not a threat in any way but they were very kind with me and took no further action (my son not partner).

You have done nothing wrong and should not be penalised for his actions.

I do believe there may be a legal duty to disclose if you work with under 8s and he lives with you but I'm not positive so check on that. Again, there should be no comeback if you disclose and again not relevant as the headteacher already knows.

It's best to be an honest and upfront as you can be and everything will be kept strictly confidential. Good luck if you go for the job x


Member since
November 2019

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Posted Thu December 2, 2021 10:42pmReport post

Also a teacher, but secondary. Does anyone know if you have disclosed to your current school and then apply elsewhere, will they include it somewhere in your reference? It seems they shouldn't, just wondered. If I decide to move jobs in the future I don't think I'd want the school to know, perhaps until I had a solid job offer...does anyone have any experience of this? I'm thinking if they were to disclose it, even if I've decided to leave my hubby by that stage (unsure yet as he's currently in prison), would it still be on my record then?

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Fri December 3, 2021 9:00amReport post

The school shouldn't disclose, the only people who would possibly contact the school is LADO if they've been involved?

Even then I'd say it's very unlikely.

You won't have to disclose if you don't want to though I would advise doing so to protect yourself, as you say, when you have a solid job offer. X


Member since
March 2019

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Posted Fri December 3, 2021 11:11amReport post

Hi, just to let you know, it might show up on a DBS check when you get a new job in a school.


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Fri December 3, 2021 5:33pmReport post


Can I just say I think it's amazing that all ur bosses have been so understanding, I was a teaching assistant and mine made me choose between them and my hubby, and I chose my hubby, it's nice to see their are more understanding bosses out there x


Member since
May 2021

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Posted Fri December 3, 2021 6:35pmReport post

The disqualification by association rules were changed in 2018 when the 2006 childcare act was amended.

the new rules now clearly state that a person should not disclose the convictions of a person that lives with them, it is also against the law for an employer to ask this question, and is also a breach of data protection if they record any information about a person conviction that lives with you, regardless of the year groups that you might work with.

the one time that disqualified by association will come into play is if section 9 applies. This section only concerns those that undertake domestic childcare services at there registered home address

in regards to disclosure under police information on the enhanced DBS, if a disclosure was made under this section then you can make an appeal to the independent monitor to have the information removed. You will find it beneficial to contact Unlock who can help with this.

it's important to remember that under GDPR an enhanced DBS is no longer sent straight to the employer (unles you have consented), it come to you for you to hand to them so if something is disclosed you can get the issue sorted befor handing it to the employer

hope this helps


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 9:50amReport post


Yes Notalone1970 is correct in that the laws for disqualification by association changed in 2018 (this was a silver lining for me as my ‘knock’ came in early 2019). I work in secondary and have over 12 years of good reputation in management, I chose not disclose to the school, I reasoned that the law had changed and I had already cut off all communication with him.

This experience is terrible enough as it is without the added layer of having to deal with this as a teacher as well. A lot of my suffering and stress was in trying to understand the betrayal and balancing decisions on how this would affect life going forward both personally and professionally. I spent a long time weighing up how I would navigate any future ramifications e.g. colleagues, governers, students, parents of students finding out etc and how any of this might affect future career prospects and so on. For this reason I chose not to disclose as it eliminated my worry that this might one day come back to haunt me and did not want to spend my career having to explain/prove myself when I had done nothing wrong.

Furthermore, (this is just my personal experience and opinion) I just could not FATHOM how I could salvage or reconcile my relationship after something like this and could not reason how I could possibly continue to uphold my teaching responsibilities in safeguarding children in my worklife, when in my homelife I shared a bed/under the same roof as a partner who did the direct opposite. I felt so incredibly heartbroken and angry at him which made me determined not to allow his actions contaminate my career (and life!) any more than it had already.

Again – this is just my personal experience and opinion and I appreciate every situation is different and has its nuanced complexities. Ultimately we can only make the decisions that will bring the most peace in what is already a terrible experience.

Sending lots of love, warmth and strength to you all wherever you are on your journey xx

Edited Sun December 5, 2021 9:55am


Member since
January 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 12:10pmReport post

I have a position where I would require an enhanced dbs. I'd be interested in those that work in jobs that require enhanced dbs or those that are secondary based and partners lives with them... Has it came up on your enhanced dbs? Do employers renew dbs checks whilst you are there or will it only be renewed when you apply elsewhere?


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 3:32pmReport post


My job requires an enhanced check and my registration to my professional body is up for renewal next July. The check will show a registered sex offender lives at my address. Technically this should not stop me from carrying on as I am not guilty of anything but the professional body will have some questions. Although work has been very supportive I have decided I don't want the hassle and will be retiring earlier than planned.


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 4:50pmReport post


I had no choice as the police had rung my school to tell them, our knock was in July 2018, right at the end of term, I went on the sick but my youngest was at our nursery and I think had just started reception and the second came out to see how I was but asking questions like how often does my hubby see the kids wat I was upto, my husband as I've said is alot older then me and had pace maker fitted in the August and had a few issues and obviously I took him the hospital but I was scared of people reporting me to the school for being with him I couldn't cope so I resigned but not because I wanted to but because they made it clear they couldn't have me working there if he got charged

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 5:08pmReport post

I specifically asked both the police and social services if I needed to disclose. They both said no. I felt uncomfortable lying to my immediate colleagues and disclosed to them as friends and decided I would not disclose officially until I felt ready to return.

I then read stories of others getting in trouble for not disclosing and emailed the OIC to double check.

He then confirmed I did not have to disclose but he had contacted LADO "to get me the support I needed". LADO then contaces social services before calling my work to check if they did know and hell broke loose. My boss was livid I hadn't disclosed and apparently I should have as part of our safer working practice. So do check contracts and policies before choosing not to disclose.

Colleagues got into trouble for not passing on the information. They thought that had been ok as I hadn't returned to work and had been told I didn't need to disclose by both the police and social services.

Incredibly humiliating on top of all the other crap and made me look as though I was deliberately trying to hide what was happening when I was actually just trying to process it all before having to formally talk about it in my workplace where I'd always been highly respected.

So whilst I agree with all the information above, I do think you need to consider what it could look like for you if you choose not to disclose.


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 6:04pmReport post


Sorry wasn't trying to put a downer on the situation, it was so nice to see that others are being treated so fairly, I think it's good that others are having positives, as there r so many negatives with our situations. I agree on disclosing as it would be better in the long run but can also see why you wouldn't.


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June 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 8:44pmReport post

Hi Lee,

I no its so hard but it does really make feel better that teachers and others can stay with their partners and keep their jobs, I no it is probably not easy for them. I think because judgement come from ss and others that's actually as I've seen on here it's not just likes of me, but people of professionals not ammune to it happening to them. Sorry if I'm rambling or not making sense


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June 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 11:34pmReport post

So so true

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

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Posted Mon December 6, 2021 4:41amReport post

Lee - what you say about employers finding ways and means of making you jump ship is true. I worked with children and was ' paid off'. It was the best decision as I couldn't have faced up to the humiliation and shame of the unfair media coverage. Doesn't make it right tho!!!

Edited Mon December 6, 2021 4:45am


Member since
November 2019

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Posted Mon December 6, 2021 11:47amReport post

I'm supposed to be returning to work this week after 2 months off sick since OH went to prison. Got a meeting with head based on the advice given them by LADO. Anyone else had such a meeting? Know what to expect? I have informed them all along the process since arrest and had RAs in place to keep me and school safe. I am wondering if it is the media which they are partly concerned about as creating a link as OH's case was widely reported. Head mentioned I might want someone else to attend (ie. Union rep). Was supposed to be teaching y11 from this week and they've said not to yet, until I've had this meeting. They've been supportive so far and wanting to protect me as well as students obviously. Been told not to worry, but of course that's impossible!!


Member since
October 2019

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Posted Mon December 6, 2021 9:07pmReport post

Thank you so much for all of your replies, they're really appreciated and have really helped me.

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Mon December 6, 2021 9:23pmReport post


I've not had experience of such a meeting but did have LADO involvement and they were very fair and compassionate. They took no further action in my case but we were still in the investigation stage. I left work a few months later and we're still waiting for the CPS to make a decision regarding my son.

I would expect it is just further discussion around RA and ensuring support and an open dialogue going forwards. I would recommend having union support as they will ensure everything is above board. My union were incredibly supportive and felt like a real safety net to me.

I hope your meeting and the return to work both go well x

I should have clarified in my earlier post that whilst my boss was initially furious that I hadn't disclosed that once we had spoken in person about what had happened etc, she changed tack and work were very supportive of me after this.

The decision to leave was mutual based on ill health as a result of everything that had happened. I was just so devastated that I wasn't given opportunity to disclose myself and how that made me look, not ti mention the fact I inadvertently made colleagues look bad too! It's on the list of things I've never forgiven the police for! X


Member since
November 2019

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Posted Wed December 8, 2021 9:28amReport post

So unfortunately the meeting with my head was not about updating RAs. They've told me that the lado is concerned about the transferable risk due to the fact that I am still in contact with OH (who is currently in prison). They've acknowledged that I myself am not a risk but are worried about the transferable risk. I googled that term and it talks about one's behaviour in personal life affecting suitability to work with children.

They also told me that they are concerned that I wouldn't handle a disclosure situation properly as my judgment is clouded, due to the fact that I have chosen to stay in contact with OH. It was unclear whether this part was their own view or had come from lado, it seemed a bit more general,not sure if they were trying to get me to say I think I wouldn't handle those situations correctly. In fact I said I do not believe that my judgement would be altered as I realise looking after the safety of our students is number 1 in this job.

They admitted that legally they can't ask me to do anything, but told me that their position it that they don't want me teaching if I'm in contact. I referred to it as an ultimatum and was told, please don't see it like that. They are being supportive of my needs on the surface and also said they think I'm still too vulnerable to be in work and need more time to recuperate after the shock of the last few months. Whilst in a way this is true, going back was part of my recovery and we already had the phased return all sorted, I was supposed to be teaching a bit this week and now they don't want me in school at all (timing is due to the lado only getting back to them after my return to work pattern had been agreed). Up until this lado advice they have been nothing but supportive.

The union are telling me that they will fight it for me now and that there is no reason why I shouldn't be in work. Even if OH lived with me, the law protects me from this type of treatment I believe. I just really hope there are no grey areas as I can't afford to lose my career over this.

I get where they're coming from of course, and maybe whilst he is in prison I will decide to cease contact, but surely that needs to be my own decision, not one forced on me by my work place?

I am anxious as I am well respected and have been at the school a long time. I am not one to cause a fuss usually. Part of me thinks, maybe this is the push I need to stop talking to OH as I am in general turmoil about that and lots of friends have told me they won't stand by me if I stay with him as its 'like I'm condoning his actions'. But it doesn't feel right to be treated this way. It feels a more measured approach like tighter RAs would be the right course of action. It was in the media etc, so I'm scared in case they try to expose me or something (hopefully an irrational fear, as this would damage their reputation too?) the union have told me that school are trying to get me to make their decision for them. He reckons they might medically suspend me now to give them time to work out what they want to do.

What a mess, any advice or experience welcome.


Member since
November 2019

104 posts

Posted Wed December 8, 2021 12:43pmReport post

Thank you Lee, I spotted that and listened to it. Thank you. Maybe there is hope for people in our situation in the future.

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

145 posts

Posted Wed December 8, 2021 1:14pmReport post

I'm so sorry to hear that busylizzie! It does sound like the school are trying to push you to cut contact which is entirely unfair.

I hope the union can fight it effectively on your behalf.

It sounds like they were referring to the safer working practice which does specify that a family member may bring into question the suitability of an employee working with children. It's a tiny passage in I think section 7 of the document? I'm pretty sure this should just mean putting in extra measures like you identified.

Both the decision to return to work and whether you remain in contact with your ex should be yours and yours alone!

I hope you're doing ok, sending sympathy and support.xx

Jdx Jdx

Member since
September 2019

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Posted Fri December 10, 2021 8:56amReport post

We got the knock in August 2019 and my husband took his own life in october 201.

i work in Social Care Chikd Protection so even though I had done nothing wrong the Social Witker (hounded us do much I blame her gif my husbands state of mind) reported me to LADO so I had to go in and be transparent with my boss.

can anyone tell me was this necessary considering the rules had changed vex