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Home under supervision

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Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 7:20pmReport post


so I'm desperate to get my husband home again he's been allowed contact with my children with my supervision. It's been this way for 90 days and I must admit I'm missing him lots. Sw said if risk assessment is ok he could come home again and I assume this would still be under supervision. I've done my safety plan and currently enrolled in a safeguarding and prevent course and my husband is doing modules and a lot of other things too. I'm just wondering what the deal is if he can come home what I'm suppose to do at bedtime? I like to be prepared and if the sw drops the question this is something I haven't got an answer for. Any advice/recommendations?


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 7:33pmReport post

Hi, I am currently going through the capacity to protect assessment with social. (we are 6 weeks since knock for 3 cat A)

We prepared a safety plan without social asking us to and they were very impressed. We bought and have installed a camera on our bedroom door so if it senses anything my phone alerts (it's only linked to my phone) and a bloody awful alarm sounds from the camera. This apparently is still not enough for my husband to stay home.

You may have a more understanding sw. I really hope you do.

I've another part of my assessment tomorrow, my childhood, relationships and sex life (fxxx knows what that's to do with me being able to protect the children I have successfully bought up for 15 and 12 years but hey ho) and I will be asking if putting husband in a locked cage over night would suffice.

I hope things go well for you and you get your husband back home xx

Edited Thu December 2, 2021 7:34pm


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 7:57pmReport post

Oh that sounds horrific, they get accused of these things and sudden they're monsters. Although the police was happy to leave my husband for over a year from offence to the knock but now he's apparently no longer safe to be around his kids.
I had a meeting about my childhood and sex life with my sw. I was so embarrassed as I'm such a private person. It really hurt talking about these things with her as I fealt like they was trying to show me it was my fault he got a porn addiction.
I've done my safety plan without her asking but she didn't say anything about when we are sleeping or any extra measures I need in place x


Member since
November 2021

97 posts

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 8:28pmReport post

Hugs mumof3, I hate how ss deal with these things, I get they need to protect but all they see is a monster who will never be anything else and no one is good enough to protect their children from them.

I honestly don't know what more we are meant to do, we bare our souls (no choice otherwise we aren't being cooperative) go into overdrive to protect our children and learn as much as possible about what is happening whilst holding it all together for the family and supporting (in some cases) our partners and helping them get the help needed.

But we keep going because one day things will be better xx


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 10:12pmReport post


it is hard but we do it because we have too. I'm preying that one day we can go back to normal and forget this whole thing ever happened.i keep telling myself it will to help me get through it but I can't be sure it will.


i mean if he is allowed to come home but still under supervision what things can I put in place to show that I'm monitoring him when everyone in the house are all asleep. Oic has said if the risk assessment is done and sw is happy he is no risk he can probably come home but I'd assume I'd need to supervise him (seems to be the general theme when the men are allowed back home)


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Thu December 2, 2021 11:00pmReport post

I was thinking maybe a camera but wasn't sure if I was being over the top or not. Thanks lee, I'll start looking and invest in one if it does come up.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Fri December 3, 2021 7:13amReport post

His bail has been requested to extend to June so it seems so far away. We're desperately trying to prove we're doing everything to protect the children (although all 3 children have made it perfectly clear to everyone that their dad is no threat to them). I'd love to have him home for Christmas not just for me but for the kids as well. It bugs me that they was willing to leave him around the children from the incident in June 2020 but didn't do the knock until sept 21. Surely this was more risky as I wasn't even aware of the incident happening, but soon as they do the knock he's suddenly a monster and no longer safe around his kids. I'm just on a moan lol


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Fri December 3, 2021 8:12amReport post

Yeah it was Hun. Ah I understand. Still rather rubbish that they're all automatically treat like monsters even when it could've been an innocent mistake. That was my thought, if they're able to see people downloading this stuff (be it in error or not) surely they can see these pictures being uploaded in the first place. Surely remove all of them as they're uploaded. My husband saw them in error (thought he was just seeing porn, pictures were blurry then automatically downloaded as he touched them to see pic, of course then it was too late). He's only problem was not reporting and still using the app. These platforms are just as responsible for this crime as everyone else involved.

Edited Fri December 3, 2021 8:13am