Family and Friends Forum

When did you get devices back after sentencing?

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Member since
March 2020

26 posts

Posted Fri December 3, 2021 10:52pmReport post

And what process did you have to go through please?

He is 10 months post sentencing and my request for device return was refused due to them "still working through the case". What does this mean? They still have my work computer!


Member since
March 2020

26 posts

Posted Sat December 4, 2021 7:26pmReport post

Oh gosh Lee!

What does it mean for the case to still be open?! I'd be so grateful if you can share any information you have at all, I'm super anxious.


Member since
May 2019

56 posts

Posted Sun December 19, 2021 3:29pmReport post

Both mine and his phone got destroyed after sentencing. My phone had nothing illegal on it at all. Two years of my childrens photos/videos and the first year of my daughter's life completely gone forever.


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Sun December 19, 2021 3:38pmReport post

Whyus that doesn't sound right and I would seek legal advice because that is crazy! My partner got devices back that had no iiocs. And he was able to request and pay for the retrieval of photos from devices that were destined to be destroyed.

It is so stupid to see that treatment of devices of innocent people is not consistent. Unfortunately you won't get the images back bit how the police, solicitor and courts handled this is appalling


Member since
October 2021

44 posts

Posted Sun December 19, 2021 7:30pmReport post

Anything that is "clean" should be returned even before the case is "closed" for whatever reason.Write to the chief connstable and/or make a complaint.They have no right to keep devices on which nothing was found.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2486 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 4:37amReport post

We didn't get any of our three devices back.