Family and Friends Forum

Live streaming

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Member since
October 2021

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Posted Sat December 4, 2021 1:49pmReport post

Someone local to my area has just been live streamed by 'vigilantes' and it's made me feel ill. I've never really condoned the whole live streaming thing anyway because of the impact it must have on family members but now after being in this situation (although in our case it was not live streamed) I feel completely infuriated. The comments people are making are vile and at one time I think I would have been thinking some harsh things myself but would never have made a comment. It's just brought to light even more the complete lack of understanding of the general public. It's really set my anxiety off. I feel like I cant move right now. Just imagining if I had been in this situation or if our story ever gets made public. I can't stand the idea of my family member being told to die and being called those awful words especially after an attempt at suicide. I have no one I can express this to because I'm certain my friends would think I had something wrong with me to defend such a thing so I've had to come and let it all out here. Thank you for being there.


Member since
October 2021

35 posts

Posted Sat December 4, 2021 2:07pmReport post

Sorry that your husband was live streamed Lee - I can't even imagine the pain that must've caused. I will definitely report it. Someone in the comments was naming the wrong man at first!! It's horrendous. I'm coming to terms with the fact I may have to come off social media if my family member's case ever gets made public but right now I want to stay - I use it to stay in touch with so many people. I've removed the group from appearing on my news feed so hopefully that helps. Thanks for your reply xx


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Sat December 4, 2021 5:12pmReport post

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Edited Sun December 5, 2021 11:05pm


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Sat December 4, 2021 6:17pmReport post

It comes to something when those of us who weren't subject to the activity of vigilantes count ourselves lucky, but we do. I think coping with a live streaming event would have completely broken me. Broken us as a couple.

I also think the vast majority of us would agree the whole issue of online pornography, and indeed how we use social media need a society wide conversation. I am particularly concerned by how young people's beliefs about sexual relationships are being skewed by what they see on the internet and how young women in particular are being subjected to sexual violence online.

But it's a brave individual that puts their head above the parapet!


Member since
November 2020

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Posted Sat December 4, 2021 7:52pmReport post

Lee that makes perfect sense, that happens to me all the time

also I know it is different but on tik tok and YouTube they have loads of true crime videos most about child abuse that have loads of views so it's a bit like you watch things even though they make you sad or uncomfortable so again I could imagine maybe same with porn. Trying to make sense of it really

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 6:47amReport post

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Edited Tue December 7, 2021 1:48pm


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Sun December 5, 2021 3:47pmReport post

Lee and Smile

I have so much respect for you ladies, you are really amazing.

Your point about the internet search engines is quite correct Lee . The engines collect information about our browsing history all the time and send those annoying pop ups and links for us to follow. My husband seemed surprised I don't get these links that, within about three clicks, will take me onto pornographic content. Actually in my case it's jewellery but that is my guilty secret !


Member since
August 2021

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Posted Mon December 6, 2021 3:07pmReport post

I'll never get my head around the fact live streaming is allowed. My husband was live streamed and they like to bring it all back up when they're sentanced and they find out which just takes you right back to the beginning.

I'm not on fb anymore but family are and have seen bits go back on and tried to get them down but with no luck, always say it doesn't go against community standards and can't afford legal help for it. Continually makes me worry about my job and the safety of our child or people treating them differently. Those groups really don't think about anyone's safety and a general 'we don't condone violence' statement seems to make them feel OK about putting families at risk and continuing our torture. Hadn't heard about a new Internet law coming in, fingers crossed its soon and they all get taken down


Member since
July 2021

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Posted Tue December 7, 2021 1:39pmReport post

I have always had empathy for this livestreaming business for both the individual but more so the families.

Unfortunately when you try to explain to the majority on social media why it isn't helpful you just get blasted because the majority of people are ignorant and can't think critically and lack empathy.


Member since
April 2021

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Posted Thu December 16, 2021 4:31pmReport post

My husband was live streamed 8 months ago . In the 'evidence pack' That the group handed over had nothing in it and when the police during the investigation approached them for more information, they didn't present any. The police have closed the case with no charges or even cautions given.

during the streaming the comments being made were vile. Someone shared the link to our villages group and from that the comments were worse, that whole trial by Facebook! Had people watching the house .There were emoji's of petrol pump and a bomb in one comment - I took screen shots of everything in case anything happened. My husband has still not returned to living at home because of fear of reprisals.

Though the streaming video has disappeared, I still can't get FB to take down other photos as as someone else mentions it doesn't breach community standards.


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Thu December 16, 2021 9:36pmReport post

Hi Bless,

Surely if it has violent comments against it they should take it down as it is inciting violence?? I hope u r OK xx