Bail hostels
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Does anyone know anything about bail hostels? My OH has heard in prison that even if you have an address to go to once your sentence is up, it may be part of your licence conditions that you live in a hostel for around 3 months? He is so keen to be able to move forward, look for work etc once he is out.
My partner went into a probation hostel on release from prison for 3 months.. his wasn't for a sex offence though it was for a violent one, but the license conditions are very similar because they are both high risk offences.
Some times they go in them because probation refuse to approve the address they have, or other times times might go in as they have a key worker in there and things such as checking in reguarly throughout the day etc can be imposed,so they can be closely monitored when first released.
Hope this helps xx
Some times they go in them because probation refuse to approve the address they have, or other times times might go in as they have a key worker in there and things such as checking in reguarly throughout the day etc can be imposed,so they can be closely monitored when first released.
Hope this helps xx
Okay, yes it does. Thank you, sorry you find yourself here too. Another uncertainty for the future!
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