Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 8:35amReport post

So today is the big day of sentencing, I slept really badly and my head is thumping, stomach churning but as it's also my close relatives 80th birthday I've got to pin a smile on my face and pretend all is well.

Please think about me and send me strength today when I see him in court, it's going to be so so hard and people just don't realise!!

Love to all you lovely people who are amazing xx


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 11:28amReport post

Thinking of you today, I hope all goes ok.


Member since
December 2018

46 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 12:26pmReport post

Thinking of you today Tracy... were all with you .. xx

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

127 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 12:44pmReport post

We're all there with you. You're in our thoughts. Hope it goes as well as it can.


Member since
October 2018

99 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 5:28pmReport post

Good Luck Tracey, how did it go?


Member since
March 2019

37 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 8:56pmReport post

Tracey, sending hugs.. we are here for you xxxx


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 9:26pmReport post


The stuff that was read out in court was worse than anything I could imagine, there was far more than I could have ever thought there was - all really disgusting horrific stuff. Anyway his defence tried to plead mental health, a poor marriage and PTSD from being in the war (hrhwent to the Falklands after thetear with themthad finished!)h

T judge totally disregarded it and said he's shown no remorse, he's a persistent on-line paedophile and sentenced him to 16 months to start immediately, he got a reduction for going not guilty which took it down to 12 months but had to serve at least 6 months. When out he's got to attend a 121 workshop for 26 weeks and be on the sex offenders

register for 10 years!!

I feel numb and drained but also strangely like a weight had been lifted, does that sound awful??



Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Fri March 22, 2019 10:02pmReport post

Tracey it doesn’t sound awful that a weight has been lifted, You have had a weight lifters your no longer in limbo, you know the facts however horrific.

it may not be easy as you have had to be strong for so long and the betrayal of the relationship and loss may hit you.

we all seem to be on a journey but your onto the next chapter, and you coped with today. I respect you for being strong enough to stand there.

You were the good part in his life and deep down he will know that. I hope he engages with his therapy it’s bad it has to come to this before men reach out for were brave today xxxx

love and strength xxx


Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Posted Sat March 23, 2019 7:53pmReport post


It is horrific the waiting to know exactly went on. I was in court too and the defence stated things that I just wanted to object but had to keep quiet. From sentencing day you will be able to live each day differently and I can assure you that any future battles you may have will be dealt slightly different.

Keep strong! We can do this and one day our voices will be heard. X


Member since
February 2019

5 posts

Posted Sat March 23, 2019 11:06pmReport post

Tracey, I'm so sorry you are going through this. Keep strong. You are amazing. He will have to face the consequences of his actions. Sending my love x


Member since
September 2018

181 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2019 6:41amReport post

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Edited Mon May 3, 2021 7:41am