Family and Friends Forum


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Sat December 11, 2021 9:45amReport post

Hi there, been on forum since March (I had to find myself) when I got the 'knock'. My fiancé of 5 years got arrested for communication with minors, we have no children together but he's two from prev marriage and I've 2 one being a 15 year old girl so you can imagine what was going through my mi d when he was arrested. Police were quick, only took his devices, my 2 were in their rooms so didn't witness but had to explain, my neighbours turned up at my door to see if I was 'ok' pure nosey. Cop told me to call my mum and have a Chinese and forget it happend!!!I have told noone. His family have disowned him. Thank god nothing ever happened to my child (other one is grown 22) or his, after it all calmed down. He tried to commit suicide. I decided to help him, now 9 months later, he's just Neen charged with attempting to sieak to a 14-16 year old (decoy) grooming, and and 1 image which I pointed out was sent to me(naked pic of him just out of shower) and had nothing to do with his chat. He's told me the truth Bout everything so why lie about that? Anyway I poi Ted it out solicitor has Contested it so plea hearing next week still have to find out if this charge has been dtopeec. Sorry about long story and wanted to say thank you all uou strong people., especially lee1969 I have Much advice and feel. Less alone. I've no idea what's gonna happen it's so scary.

Edited Sun December 12, 2021 2:10pm


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Mon December 13, 2021 3:46pmReport post

Yes, I told the solicitor, he put it to police when the charges were read out, there's no way it can be connected, solicitor asked cops could they connect it, they said no comment. plea hearing on Thursday, still waiting on hearing from solicitor about it and the evidence he's received from chat. Guess he'll rng on Wed thars what he did last time at 2nd interview(about photo) and charges so hoping cos drops that charge. Thanks for response