Family and Friends Forum


Member since
February 2019

15 posts

Posted Sat March 23, 2019 7:46pmReport post

In a summary, my oldest son (10) decided he doesn't want contact with his dad since January.

I was supervising the visits and in turn, my youngest do not have contact either and I have suggested contact centre. Their dad decided now to go to mediation and I will have to pay for it. We are victims and all I do is pay and suffer for what he is and has done. He has completed community sentence. All we have had is stress and how come he is constantly playing the victim I just cannot comprehend. I have a strong opinion about this tabu subject and I do not believe there is enough support (face to face) for us victims of someones addiction and mistakes. I am determine to make a change and organise support for people like us.

I am extremely angry and upset today and feel the legal system is wrong towards us mums and the children affected by what so called convicted p.... I have had enough and feel for my children specially my son who is angry with it all as well.

Why is the system so unfair. Why they have the right to suggest or have rights after everything they have done?????? I have lost


Member since
September 2018

181 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2019 6:46amReport post

Post deleted by user

Edited Mon May 3, 2021 7:40am


Member since
December 2018

450 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2019 7:16amReport post

Hi Filipa

I'm not sure anyone in here would disagree with you. None of this is our fault, it is down to our husbands/partners, my husband said he looked because he was bored and curious, most people I know if they're watch telly, read as book or go for a walk not look at IIOC!!

I also agree about the need to raise the profile of the family's and devastation they leave, I'm not sure how to do this but I'm equally determined to do something about this!!

Please try not to ruin your day thinking about this, I don't know about where you are in the country but I'm sitting in a very sunny beautiful part of the country and I'm about to take my lovely dog out for a walk. I got him back from my husband yesterday, or rather his brother as my husband is now in prison for the next few months and I can tell you, he won't be getting my boy back!!

Stay strong and sending you and your children love and hugs xx


Member since
February 2019

38 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2019 8:05amReport post

It is hugely unfair. Before I got dragged into this I have to say that I never thought about the families. I must have thought that they were all people without families living alone in their own world. Now when I read articles, the family is my first thought.

What has been children's services position? Are you able to use them to fight your corner. I know it's no time to play games but if you didn't fight it then surely they would step in. It just seems so unfair that you have to pay for mediation too.

Sending love and support xx


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2019 9:48amReport post

Betty me too my first thought is always the families of the offenders,it’s something that really bothers me.

Filipa i I don’t know about mediation, but surely your children’s views should come first

tracey enjoy the sunshine today. I don’t have any pets but I am seriously considering getting one. You are right your dog is yours now what a complex / confusing situation even for family pets xxx xxx

Trying to keep it together

Member since
February 2019

111 posts

Posted Sun March 24, 2019 12:17pmReport post


I agree that nothing is out there for families except stop it now and this forum. I always just thought about the offender but the wide ripple these offences cause is enormous!

Ive been up since 6, the dog has been out, the house work done and the garden all tidied. Husband has been out exercising and is planning to do some cooking later. I may only be 3 months into this but it does get better- sometimes faster for some than others but there is light at the end of the tunnel and plenty of things that we can all find to be positive about- maybe it’s the great weather that’s boosting my mood!
