Family and Friends Forum

No bail conditions and now on rui

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Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 12:25pmReport post

My husband was on bail with no unsupervised contact with children and he had to sleep at his mums. The oic put in an application for his bail to be extended until June which we have found our today it has been rejected meaning he can come home and have contact with my children alone again. I'm so happy just in time for Christmas. What I'm checking is I have previously wrote up a safety plan as the sw was doing a risk assessment to see if her could come home whilst on bail. Would this still have to be followed even though the police have said their are no conditions? We decided to carry on as we are until Monday when I can get in touch with the social worker to confirm but just seeing if any of you guys know the answers.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 1:49pmReport post

No safety plan has been agreed as of yet. I explained to the officer that I had previously wrote up a safety plan and he still said it didn't matter as there's no legal thing in place to say he can't come home and have contact with the kids. This whole experience is so confusing. I've sent an email to sw to clarify what is suppose to happen now before we change anything. I'm just happy he is going to be home.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 2:47pmReport post

Ok Hun thanks. Like I said we're not changing anything until we've spoke to sw anyway as we both thought it was the safest way.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 3:01pmReport post

I will keep that in mind thanks Hun.

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2462 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 4:47pmReport post


Take comfort in the fact he can be home for xmas with you and the girls

This is just such an emotional time that is esculated but make the most of your precious time sending hugs xx


Member since
August 2021

54 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 5:26pmReport post

Mumof3 my case is slightly different as oh has been sentenced but the SHPO has no restrictions on children so although legally he can come home.

We don't want to risk them escalating us to CPP so we are still waiting for the ok from SS, just waiting for a manager to agree to our SW recommendations that he can come home but myself or another adult will still be expected to supervise all contact.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 6:21pmReport post

I understand I am one of the lucky ones and I'm very happy he will be here with our kids on Christmas Day.

were still sticking to the bail conditions until we've spoken to the sw. The policeman said to us there should be no reason why he should be made to stay away from the kids unless I have signed something from ss. Which doesn't really make any sense. This policeman has said things to us before and then denied all knowledge of said conversation so we are definitely playing it safe this time.


Member since
November 2021

201 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 6:53pmReport post

I haven't signed anything apart from the first visit which was allowing them access to school and gp notes etc. Yes I have provided a safety plan. I guess I'll see what she says on Monday when she replies to my email. Yesterday I called gp and was told I have severe depression and anxiety so it's nice to get a bit of good news for a change.