Family and Friends Forum


Member since
August 2021

49 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 4:35pmReport post

Hello everyone,

I have had the most overwhelming week and now I find myself crying my room alone.

My partner is at work and it's my day off, I've not been sleeping well I find I fall asleep after I've over worked my brain with thoughts and scenarios. And through the day I get this terrified worry about time and how long left til he goes to court and how long do I have left with him.

I moved in with him and few weeks ago and it's been so nice to be back with him. I chose to support him through his struggles and my love is strong for him. It will be 6 to 9 months they said and February is 6 month. As you could probably tell that's not far off and time is going so fast. I am so terrified about how much time I have with him and my heart is breaking. I know he could get a suspended sentence or probation and I am thinking the worst possible case but I know I still have to prepare myself for that scenario in case it happens.

I have severe anxiety and only feel at peace with him there he's made me feel so safe and I am so scared to be alone if he has to go to prison and I know I'll have his family but its not him. I know this all sounds silly but I've not been able to speak to him about the way I am feeling as his anxiety is very severe at the moment as well.

I have nightmares each night that he's in court and he gets a custodial sentence but I'm not there (when this started he said he doesn't want me to come to court) I'm sat at home waiting for him to come back and he doesn't his family come and tell me and my heart breaks because I wasn't there to see him that last time until he's released and then I get all this emotions of pain wondering what he's thinking is he safe when can I see or speak to him and then I wake up.

I know he's made a massive mistake and sometime I get angry because I think how dare he do this to our life but I still love him and want to be with him and I have accepted everything that will come.

I just wish I knew now what was happening so I could put my self at ease.

Sending love and hugs to you all xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2349 posts

Posted Sat December 18, 2021 4:42pmReport post

Hi Lish

I know those feelings oh to well but it is my son not partner

This is the place no one wants to be in but we find ourselves here through no fault of our own but yet we share so much but here you can talk and get support with the unknown journey

Just wanted to send you a virtual hug xx


Member since
April 2021

644 posts

Posted Sun December 19, 2021 8:57amReport post

Hi sweetheart, I could have written that myself, I feel the exact same, plea hearing put back to Feb now so we are not properly together but I do love him and we are getting so close but we are talking it day by day. It's so frightening I know, ring the help line on the day or even before so you have someone to talk to, that's what my plans are. You're not alone in your thoughts xx