Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Sun December 19, 2021 2:48pmReport post

Has anyone had experience of moving home post sentencing? We are planning to sell our home and move away to a new area but want to rent initially for 12-24 months before committing to a new home. Has anyone been denied a new home to "start again", I just feel we need a totally fresh start, I still haven't got over the intrusion from the knock and feel O just don't want to stay in my lovely home anymore.

I have been reading about declaring convictions and who has to and doesn't have to know, also I thought my OH conviction would be "spent" after his 12 month suspended custodial sentence finished and his course work was completed but have read now it remains unspent till the end of his SHPO which is 10 years, along with the whole conviction I am again devastated at the impact this will have on us both for the next 10 years and the restrictions on both our lives. I know crime has to be paid for and I fully advocate that but how on earth can people who are so remorseful and desperate to rehabilitate themselves ever move on?
I think I am having an "overwhelming" day today and am struggling to see a good future ahead for us both.

Smile through tears

Member since
September 2021

2486 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 4:40amReport post

Hi Katie / Unfortunately I do not have any answers for you on moving house etc all I can give is a hug on your 'overwhelming' time / let's hope for a clearer Monday xxxxxxxx

Edited Mon December 20, 2021 4:41am


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 8:52amReport post

Are you sure it has to be approved before you move? There's nothing in SOR that states that the police must approve the address, just that you have to register the address within 3 days. From what I've read on Unlock that is all you have to do. If you ask for approval in advance you may find that they deny it. If still under probation, which doesn't sound like the situation here, then they are likely to want to know in advance in order to transfer from one probation team to another.

The only potential issue I can see is with renting rather than buying in that the landlord / estate agent may ask for unspent convictions. A mortgage company may also ask about that too.

If renting via a housing association or council things may be different. Scotland may also be different.

Unlock would probably be the best place to get further advice. They have a helpline that you can call.

Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 10:55amReport post


Hubby had his 2 interview last week and he mentioned that he was moving.

They didn't ask him anything all they said that when it goes to court etc that he has to come back etc.

All they said where was he moving to and nothing else.


Chelsea 1

Member since
June 2021

878 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 11:28amReport post

Hiya Lee.

Yes indeed very true.

Our home where we are moving to thou isn't costing us a penny. My late mom gave it to me and where we are moving to there isn't a school for about 2 miles.

All hubby's offences are internet based.

I know that doesn't matter and he should be still punished.



Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 3:53pmReport post

Thank you everyone for advice.

I agree Lee moving pre sentencing would be much easier and yes it does expose the inconsistencies and makes things much more complicated. I am loathe to give up my home which we have both worked so hard for and to get it to a standard we both love and are comfortable with. Sadly I don't feel comfortable here any more, I get flash backs to the knock and still see the police tearing my house to bits and rummaging through all my possessions.
we have spoken with his PO today who told us not to make any rash decisions just yet but if we were to move it would involve transferring the case to another force/area. The PO did say we could move if we wanted and we would only have to disclose the offence if criminal convictions were asked for but not every landlord/agency ask for this information, also the SOR officer would have to ensure the receiving police force would accept the responsibility of having an offender living in their area.
We can't move till the curfew is over but I suppose it is giving us time to plan and arrange a new home. When we decide to buy again I would imagine I would have to apply for a mortgage on my sole name as I am aware convictions have to be declared on a mortgage application, there is so much more to this offence than knock/interview/court/sentence. If only the offenders had a crystal ball, would they still offend?


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 3:53pmReport post

Thank you everyone for advice.

I agree Lee moving pre sentencing would be much easier and yes it does expose the inconsistencies and makes things much more complicated. I am loathe to give up my home which we have both worked so hard for and to get it to a standard we both love and are comfortable with. Sadly I don't feel comfortable here any more, I get flash backs to the knock and still see the police tearing my house to bits and rummaging through all my possessions.
we have spoken with his PO today who told us not to make any rash decisions just yet but if we were to move it would involve transferring the case to another force/area. The PO did say we could move if we wanted and we would only have to disclose the offence if criminal convictions were asked for but not every landlord/agency ask for this information, also the SOR officer would have to ensure the receiving police force would accept the responsibility of having an offender living in their area.
We can't move till the curfew is over but I suppose it is giving us time to plan and arrange a new home. When we decide to buy again I would imagine I would have to apply for a mortgage on my sole name as I am aware convictions have to be declared on a mortgage application, there is so much more to this offence than knock/interview/court/sentence. If only the offenders had a crystal ball, would they still offend?


Member since
December 2019

499 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 4:10pmReport post

My partner and I have just got a mortgage approved and he was sentenced over two years ago. We haven't been asked yet if he has a conviction and his police liaison is aware but didn't ask about where we will be.

So far the only aspect I am aware that could bite us on the butt is building insurance and contents insurance. The property we are going for has building insurance arrnaged by the freeholder, we pay a share. Not sure if they will ask yet. Contents insurance most definitely will ask. I have said to my partner he has to pay the difference compared to if he didn't have a conviction.

It is scary to think what if we get stopped from buying, or someone finds out later and we are targeted... But we can't keep on living in fear.

I will update on the forum if we come up against any bumps in the road. But so far it hasn't been as bad as we thought. We go with the whole not disclosing uess we have to.


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 4:21pmReport post

Thank you so much Majestictopaz (love the name too)..

That is a very encouraging post so hopefully we should be able to move. I don't want to commit to buying for at least 12-24 months just to make sure we can live safely and quietly without any repercussions.
We have decided we will put the house up for sale after Christmas so by the time everything goes through it will be the end of the curfew and at least it will be one less thing we will have to declare.

I hope you have peace and happiness in your new home now.

Best wishes xx


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 4:27pmReport post

Thank you too Lee, that also sounds very encouraging as we want to move counties too. I think I said his curfew was 6 months but we have checked with the tag company and they said it is due for removal on 1st April (how apt)..

I am so grateful for all the help and advice I have read that you have posted Lee, you have been a great source of knowledge and support to everyone on this site despite going through what you have.
Thank you again, I just hope despite everything we can start 2022 with a more positive outlook. Xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2349 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 4:45pmReport post

Just something else I havent even thought of I currently private rent and will be looking at moving once sentancing is over however long that will be! Its just a never ending situation also when released how have your partners sons etc found reporting to the police station to sign the register is it done discreetly? xx


Member since
December 2021

178 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 5:24pmReport post

That would be really useful to know too UM.

Hopefully someone will be able to help with advice.


Member since
August 2019

240 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 5:40pmReport post

My partner has found registering at the police station pretty discreet at the 3 different stations that he has been to. You can only register at certain stations, not all of them allow you to do so.

Only once was there actually a big queue at the station, that day he decided to leave and go back later. Since covid it's been extremely quiet.

The same with police visits, they have unmarked cars,are plain clothed and very discreet. They don't want to draw attention there being a SO at the property.

I want to move within the next few years, not 100% when. Normally I would have rented for 6 months but I'm tempted to just buy and not have to deal with estate agents.

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2349 posts

Posted Mon December 20, 2021 7:16pmReport post

Thank you ladies xx