Family and Friends Forum


Member since
December 2021

5 posts

Posted Thu December 23, 2021 5:40pmReport post

Hi, I thought after two years a court case the media that we were turning the corner .

However out of the blue the police protection officer rang and asked my husband that an allegation has been made that there had been children staying at our home.

We have never had children in the house we don't have friends with young children.We don't have visitors and keep ourselves to ourselves. The police man confirmed he would go back to the person who made the allegation and do a 'bit more digging'.I am petrified that someone is watching us and I feel devastated and feel like I did when all this nightmare started.

Has anyone had any experience of this ,I know its malicious I WFH and am here all the time.

Thank you


Member since
December 2021

74 posts

Posted Tue January 4, 2022 9:22pmReport post

Dear Josie

I was horrified to read your post.

You and your husband must be a very strong couple to be 2 years down the line together. It is awful that someone would be malicious in this way. I'm so sorry that this has all been brought back so sharply for you. I do agree with the suggestion of a camera/cameras. They can be found reasonably priced and may give you both peace of mind against this happening again.

I really hope you don't get dragged down by this. I admire the path you have travelled, don't let someone else get in the way.

Good luck x


Member since
December 2021

5 posts

Posted Sun January 9, 2022 7:01pmReport post

Thank you Annmarie and Lea 1969 ,we are having cctv installed.We haven't heard any more from the police but it's very unerving .

You are all amazing on this site for your courage and support ?