Family and Friends Forum

A Christmas Story

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Member since
June 2021

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Posted Fri December 24, 2021 11:04amReport post

So Christmas and our wedding anniversary has brought glad tidings from our local paper. The report from my husband's court appearance has been published today. I can't describe it as inaccurate or sensationalist but it's bald account makes for pretty devastating reading. If I was reading about a stranger I would feel appalled. I am appalled by what my husband has done of course but have the benefit of context and more than a year to process what he has done. An advantage not shared by the rest of the readership of course.

Right now I am feeling very vulnerable, rather like a sitting duck in our house. The doors and windows are locked and the chain on the door. We have agreed my husband won't be answering the door anytime soon and he most definitely won't be delivering the Christmas gifts to our neighbours later today.

Safe to assume the festive spirit is somewhat lacking this morning but I take comfort in the fact all things pass.

Hoping my fellow forum friends and everyone at LFF have an enjoyable Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

Smile through tears

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September 2021

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Posted Fri December 24, 2021 4:48pmReport post

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Edited Sun December 26, 2021 1:33pm

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2466 posts

Posted Fri December 24, 2021 5:11pmReport post

Hi Judith

Like you needed this today of all days and the damage of how our loved ones are made to be it's just wrong

Hopefully it will calm down soon for you both

Just wanted to send you a hug xx


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Fri December 24, 2021 6:53pmReport post

Thank you ladies. Yes, all things pass. We have been very lucky today to receive some supportive calls and emails from the few friends who already knew our situation. I was delivering gifts to our neighbours and felt I really had to say something about the report as I know they always read the local paper. They were, of course, shocked, but listened carefully as I explained and were very sympathetic and understanding saying they thought I was very brave to tell them. Not everyone will be so nice of course but I have been very humbled by the amount of kindness we have encountered on our journey the past year, not least from LFF and the folks on the forum.

I hope you have a happy and peaceful Christmas.

Grace Hush

Member since
August 2021

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Posted Fri December 24, 2021 8:46pmReport post

Sending love Judith.

A distant family member of mine was convicted and the press reported it, again not inaccurately but sensationalising the facts for clickbait and not publishing the facts supporting his case.. it's hard and so embarrassing for those involved but usually leads to very little other than gossip. As Lee1969 always says.. those that matter don't mind and those that mind don't matter. If they're not interested in the facts it'll soon pass by for them and based on the fact you've already had supportive messages, those that matter will make an effort to understand.

I hope you manage a positive Christmas without letting it get to you xx

Upset mum

Member since
June 2020

2466 posts

Posted Fri December 24, 2021 10:37pmReport post


Today's news tomorrow is another day get up and enjoy as much as you can hold.your.head night as remember we have done nothing wrong xx sending hugs xx


Member since
December 2021

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Posted Wed January 26, 2022 8:25pmReport post

Hi Judith,

Ive just read your post from Christmas Eve. What a horrendous day it has been for you both, we have recently had sentencing and had exactly the same regarding the press, only fortunate news was it did not hit the tv or radio but the newspaer and online articles were damaging. We too locked and barricaded ourselves into our home, I couldnt go over the doorstep and still have severe anxiety about bumping into anyone. I sent off for a video doorbell which is now installed and working perfectly, thankfully nearly 3 months since the plea hearing we have not had any damage to our property and even the window cleaners seem oblivious to what has happened as we can hear there conversations through the door camera and nothing is ever said.

People keep telling me its now yesterdays news, maybe to them it is but I still think it is very raw and early days for us and still have paranoia about who I may meet or what people may be thinking.

I hope you managed to have at least some sort of decent Christmas and hopefully we can move forward to a different but better new year, we have a few milestones to meet so I have set a reminder on my phone for the day the tag comes off and the the day the custodial (suspended) is complete.


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Posted Tue February 1, 2022 1:09amReport post

Hi Katie

Sorry, missed your post from last week.

Well Christmas wasn't riotous fun but we emerged safe and sound. However, like you, I am quite anxious when the doorbell chimes or I hear a vehicle draw up outside the house. One of my cats is very nervous and as soon as the doorbell goes she disappears into my wardrobe, and if I didn't have arthritic knees I'd be in there with her!

We hoped sentencing would be over with by now but the date was postponed to allow completion of a report. We have a new date for mid February so have everything crossed the local paper has lost interest.

Good luck with your own case.


Member since
December 2020

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 7:52amReport post

Hi judith

I am just going through a few posts and thought I would reply. The 24th December filled with mixed emotions, I do hope things have moved on positively from that press release and Yes you were brave to discuss it with your neighbours. Part of me thinks that by dealing with this sort of thing head on, and talking about it openly, instead of shying away makes people realise that this can happen to anyone out there. I wish you all the very best and a positive outcome at setencing in mid February

maij x


Member since
June 2021

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Posted Tue February 1, 2022 5:41pmReport post

Thank you Maij.

Take care xx
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