Family and Friends Forum

Another visit from the Police

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Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Oh goodness, another visit from the Police. This time from the Sexual Offences Unit. It is six days since my husband's plea hearing, five days since he took his information to the Police Station as required by the SOR, three since the report in the press. Today there were more questions to ascertain his risk level and circumstances. Everything from family pets to friends, finances to our sex life. They even took of my husband's old operation scar.

I know they are collecting information which will contribute towards the sentencing decision in mid January. I know it is in our best interest to co-operate, but sometimes I just want to scream "I want my life back!"

Okay, rant over. I'm going to have another mince pie.

Posted Mon December 27, 2021 2:54pmReport post


Member since
September 2019

178 posts


I very rarely reply but still occasionally read the messages on this forum...

With regards to the photos etc taken by police...they did the same with my partner but also explained the reason..

The photos are for intelligence purposes... obviously the men involved in child abuse rarely show their faces... however tattoos, scars... animals etc are on film and it is this incriminating evidence which can be used to link any contact offences...

It's circumstantial but very useful when the safety of a child is involved...

Best wishes

Posted Mon December 27, 2021 6:40pmReport post


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Lee and Snowdrop

Thanks for your responses.

Yes, though I don't really want to think about the circumstances in which they would need to make an identification by scar. Or by pet. My husband had not been charged with anything other than possession ( which is bad enough) but I suppose they will think the worst of him .It has just been a bit full on this last week.Anyway Lee, I shall not be bingeing on the mince pies. I am saving myself for the sherry trifle.

Posted Mon December 27, 2021 6:54pm
Edited Mon December 27, 2021 7:05pmReport post

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