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Things being taken out of your control

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Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Posted Tue December 28, 2021 11:32pmReport post

Hi all

I am currently fuming. Had a message from my step-mum today who calmly told me she had a confession to make and that she has told my aunt all about the situation we are in. Why?! Cos she was worried about what we would be doing New Years.
A little context, Since we had the knock back in August my family, my sister, dad and step-mum, have made it clear they want nothing more to do with my husband not cos what the knock was for fully but the fact that he was talking to other woman behind my back. For me talking isn't cheating untill you physically do something. I know it isn't the same for everyone and I respect how they feel.
Anyway husband had been RUI since mid September and I haven't put him in any aostuations where he would be around children. He doesn't have any restrictions, this is me not wanting to put him in any type of situation. So with New Years my cousin has decided to have something at his house. I had already made plans so wouldn't be going but when talking to my sister she made it clear if we went she wouldn't and that her kids where really excited and it isn't fair for them to have to miss out. Making it clear to her I said I wouldn't put my hubby or her in a awkward position. She felt I could still come leaving my hubby alone. Sorry I wouldn't do that.
This news years party and my other cousins being there with their children is why my step-mum felt the need to tell my aunt our situation and also as the family have been asking questions. Am I wrong in saying to her she should have spoken to me first as I would have told her what we had agreeded as a couple wouldn't happen. That he won't be at any family event until we hear back on the investigation.
This has made me really angry and hurt and even when I have said things she hit back at me by saying I don't need your permission to tell my family! She also made it clear that I always choose him over them even before this.
im sorry I have just ranted. Starting to feel really alone


Member since
August 2021

22 posts

Posted Wed December 29, 2021 7:12amReport post

Hi Lee

its my family, her relationship with her own family isn't great. I don't fully know why but it isn't.
Thank you so much for your response to this. It's soo g my head in and I'm so hurt especially with the comments that she didn't need my permission. If I'm honest right about now I felt so hurt and alone. All I wanted is for her to speak to me first, if she felt she still needed to say something at least I would have had the option to do it myself not feel like my family are now going to be talking about it behind my back.