Family and Friends Forum

Pre Sentence Report

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Member since
January 2021

106 posts

Posted Mon January 3, 2022 12:04pmReport post

Hi we are now 13 months from when my son self disclosed, his case was sent to the CPS in October , I am sure we are close now to the charges being brought , the OIC has said there will prob be half a dozen charges relating to Indecent Images, no distribution but around 3000 images in all categories, I am wondering what happens when we receive the charges, he will have to have a pre sentence report what sort of questions will they be asking him, can anyone tell me how it all goes and those who have been charged and sentenced for similar how is life at the moment , do they have lots of check ups and appointments to go to , I am hoping he won't go to prison but because of the high amount there is a chance of custodial
I am also worried when it goes to Magistrates first, if it gets into the media and his address is published I am not sure what to do as it will be another few weeks until crown, can he go and live in a hotel or airbnb or something so he will be safe , just a constant worry all the time



Member since
January 2021

106 posts

Posted Mon January 3, 2022 1:34pmReport post

Thanks Lee, it is going to be around half a dozen charges so I presume 1 charge for Cat a, 1 for cat b, 1 for cat c, then he has a prohibited and extreme image so I presume another 2 charges there, and he has downlaoded them all so another charge there probably, he has done the safer lives course at the beginning of 2021, he is 28, where we live we have had a few magistrates posts in our local news regarding indecent images so I am expecting it to come out


Member since
January 2021

106 posts

Posted Mon January 3, 2022 4:14pmReport post

Thanks Lee, yes they have sent the solicitor a copy of the letter for when it is needed