Family and Friends Forum

Advice needed -

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Member since
March 2019

6 posts

Posted Wed March 27, 2019 1:38pmReport post

recently events have occurred where my family has been victims of these so called vigilantes/ pedophile hunters to which they share the lives on Facebook for thousands and thousands to see not knowing the true impact it has on the family especially when a real child is involved they are putting a child at risk and they say they are here to protect children,

dont get me wrong something was done wrong by my family member who is under investigation but not what was made out to be on this live,

im unsure on how they track people aswell, as they were unaware of our actual address only knew where the road was so waited til my family member came home to bombard him with this, they said they used a company called uk database on Facebook so I’m hoping someone knows how they work to track someone?

i haven’t watched the lives as I don’t feel the need to but on the lives people are putting our road name and the area we live in, is there anything I can do about that? Police have said they can’t take down the videos or get them taken down as it’s an American company even though they are based in the uk,

the hunters themselves have commented on the live protect protect the family, don’t put location, if you know the family stay away but haven’t deleted comments of people putting our location so they can’t care that much that they are putting a child and family at risk,

I just want to hear other people’s stories of maybe feeling victimised due to these live videos going out to the world, or what people think about the way they work, just any information to maybe keep my mind a little bit at ease I guess,



Member since
December 2018

202 posts

Posted Wed April 3, 2019 8:23amReport post

Hi, aaah the dreaded UK database and the power of Facebook. I don’t think there’s much you can do with Facebook to be honest but the police have a fundamental duty of care to you and your family, including the offender so if you are physically threatened by anyone report it to them - every single time! Get an incident number and keep a record. Make a nuisance of yourselves if you are directly threatened. If you don’t want to monitor the comments either get someone else to do it or just completely ignore it. That’s what I do now with our online troll. It was making me so ill it was better to ignore it. As time went on this troll was getting less and less reaction from her followers. I’ve blocked her now so she doesn’t intrude on my day. I feel so much better now she’s out of my thoughts.

Many of the people posting and threatening all sorts are too lazy or stupid to get off their sofas and do what they threaten. Knuckle dragging thick wasters they all are. All trying to outdo themselves with their comments. Idiots the lot of them.
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