Family and Friends Forum

Self referral

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Member since
December 2021

164 posts

Posted Wed January 5, 2022 8:37pmReport post

So today I made the call to self refer us to social services, I had really built this up in my head and so do actually feel so much better now it's done. Just waiting for the assessment now, thanks so much for all the posts about safety plans.
The duty solicitor we have doesn't seem interested at all and is pressuring my husband to plead guilty before he's seen the evidence, he said we could annoy the courts by asking to see it and questioning anything which would give us a worse sentence.
Im just so exhausted by it all, I feel like I'm living a double life as no one knows, I'm pretending everything is ok and going to baby groups and seeing friends. It feels so lonely at times


Member since
July 2021

874 posts

Posted Wed January 5, 2022 9:01pmReport post

Oh GZ that sounds awful! I really think you should get a different solicitor, if your partner hasn't been charged yet then the evidence won't be available so the solicitor won't have the full picture and therefore shouldn't be pressing guilty already! It's a huge burden to bear on your own but we are all here for you xx