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Request information

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Member since
July 2020

11 posts

Hi all,

Quick backstory knock came July 2020, my ex and I separated when I was 8 months pregnant and when baby was 6 months he wanted his house back (it belonged to him) so we were forced to move in with my parents. Hes shown a basic interest in his daughter, I've had to fight him to pay enough money to cover nursery fees and now he's refusing to help anymore because he has to pay court fees.

He's been given a timeline of when he will go to court but he's refusing to tell me anything, is there anyway I can request information from his solicitor/the police as I want to know when his trial is so I can finally here the truth. I doubt he'll tell me when it is even if I ask as he hasn't been honest throughout this whole process.

If anyone knows what I can do I'd be really grateful. Thanks.

Posted Wed January 5, 2022 9:34pmReport post


Member since
July 2020

11 posts

Hi Lee1969

Thank you for your reply. SS we're involved but closed the case without informing me as we aren't together and they said I'm a protective parent (so many issues with how they've handled this but that would turn into a very long post!). So no support from them at all.

I guess all I can do is ask and hope that he tells me anything.

Posted Wed January 5, 2022 9:59pmReport post


Member since
May 2021

61 posts

Lee1969. I think that might depend on the police. They told me when the court date for my ex was ( I rang to ask, they didn't ring me) and eventually they told me what he pleaded guilty to. They were quite guarded in what they said but said this was public info so could tell me. Then again they were great with me throughout the whole process. Apologised for the horrendous delays (over 2 years) but that was just down to back log not their fault. Treated me with nothing but compassion.

Posted Wed January 5, 2022 11:38pm
Edited Wed January 5, 2022 11:43pmReport post


Member since
July 2021

876 posts

I think, and I'm only making assumptions, in a lot of cases the Police will be nicer to you if you leave your partner and don't defend them. The ones in my case were hellbent on making me believe he was a monster, said he watched CP and all sorts and got angry when I said he definitely wouldn't do that and defended him. They never and have never leaked specific details about what happened but when they came to hand deliver the charges, I answered the door from my bedroom window because of the original knock I never open the door first anymore and when I said he wasn't here he told me he was posting the charges for court, he also was like "remember me", yes of course I remember you you horrible little man. It was like he wanted me to open them like I don't already know everything!

I think after your partner has been to court and been sentenced you would definitely be able to make a request under the Child Sex Offender Disclosure scheme on the government website to get information, if you can't get anything from the police themselves. I do doubt it would contain specific information which would be helpful in this case, I would definitely call social services once he's been to court. Xx

Posted Thu January 6, 2022 9:03amReport post


Member since
July 2020

11 posts

Hi all

Thanks for the advice, the detective gave me his email so I'll email him today to see if he'll give me any more information.
I didn't know I could request information once he's charged so thank you for that as well. It's so hard to know what to do as I've had such little help from anyone even the solicitors I spoke to said they won't help as I have no assets and he has tons! Even though we have a child together as well! It's just incredibly stressful and isolating so thank you guys for your words of advice, it's really appreciated.

Posted Thu January 6, 2022 1:13pmReport post


Member since
June 2021

195 posts

Hi there

We are in Scotland where Court Rolls can be found up to five days in advance online. Google Scottish Court Rolls and then you can select the relevant area.

No idea of this is available in other parts of the UK.

Posted Thu January 6, 2022 9:59pmReport post

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