Family and Friends Forum


Member since
September 2018

286 posts

As partners/family members we really are all under a huge amount of pressure and show amazing strength. Some days i feel like i have to be superwoman, it's all very emotionally, physically and mentally draining but in times like these it shows our true strength. We have come a really long way since the knock, I almost cannot believe we have got through so much. The last hurdle feels so intense, we are almost to a point of life being ok. We have been so lucky so far with how everything has gone and we are on the final stage of making plans for my partner to move home. But the fear of our lives going wrong is huge, I hope that will fade in time with help. As a partner I feel i have berm handed a sentence, I have to make sacrifices and carry the burden of his crime, some days it feels so unfair. I'm glad we will hopefully soon get our lives back, start to rebuild everything. I'm glad that both me and my partner have been involved in some way to help others in the future in this position with things we have been involved in, it's amazing what we have both learnt and how have changed in positive ways. I feel no one really knows the effort and determination that goes into turning this situation into a positive, as a parent my children will never know all I have gone through for them, to ensure they are safe, to fight for our family and for them to have the life they want and deserve. It's crazy how in an instant life can change through no fault of your own.

Posted Thu March 28, 2019 9:25amReport post

Jayne G

Member since
March 2019

128 posts

Maria, you're totally right - every single woman on here is a superhero, whether they feel like it or not. The fact that we all manage to keep going feels nothing short of a miracle at times.

I totally agree, my stepchildren will never, ever know how hard this time is and the things we've done to shield and protect them. Their happiness and safety is everything.

The problem with superheroes is that they're seen as strong all the time, always saving everyone else, and I think we all need to feel like someone is there to save us at times, too.

Posted Thu March 28, 2019 11:58amReport post


Member since
March 2019

42 posts

Dear All,

i felt it necessary with it being Mothers Day today to get this thread bumped to the top as I want to recognise what super women we all are who are dealing with this that has been thrown at us. As I lie in bed with coffee so strong you could stand a spoon in it and microwaved pancakes made by my children I feel very lucky indeed for what I have albeit still sad for what they have lost my what my ex did. I feel today like we can get through this. Motherly love to you all today. Rosa x

Posted Sun March 31, 2019 9:17amReport post


Member since
December 2018

383 posts

Absolutely I completely agree. Love to you all amazing people xxx

Posted Sun March 31, 2019 9:29amReport post

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